Welcome to this week's edition of Black And White Sunday! Well, don't we have some exciting stuff for you today?! Not only can you feast your eyes on some beautiful B&W, but you may be in the newfound possession of a blog award!!
Remember, Sunday means we have a day off from the Blogging from A-Z Challenge - come back tomorrow to see what X stands for to us!
Today, we'll be handing out the Yoo-Hoo Award that we were kindly given by Love Is Being Owned By A Husky only a few days ago - thank you so much, guys!
This new award was created by Nerissa from Nerissa's Life, after she received her first ever 100,000 page-views!! Well done Nissy! Now it is being passed around BlogVille to some of the most deserving, lovely to read and follow blogs. PAWsomely, we were chosen as one of them!
Here is Earl enjoying the glory of his new award… (and look! Its in B&W!)
So, lets get onto the rules of accepting this award:
~ Post the award on your blog, and thank the person who gave it to you.
~ Visit at least THREE other blogs who also had the award passed to them.
~ Tell your readers THREE things you celebrate (like things you are thankful for).
~ Last, pass the award onto SEVEN other bloggers!
OK. So I posted the award (above) and displayed it on my sidebar and blog awards page, plus thanked Jenna for it (above).
I have visited three other blogs. The blogs I have visited are:
If you haven't already, I urge you to drop by their blogs!
So, three things I celebrate?
1. Earl's birthday! I always splash out on new gifts and goodies for my best friend, because I an incredibly thankful to have him by my side. Every birthday celebrates his birth, and his being.
2. Every holiday possible. Even if I don't celebrate it hugely with family and friends like I do the big ones like Christmas, Easter etc, I still like posting a little something online to celebrate.
3. My own and other people's Blogiversaries! We haven't even had our first one yet, but I enjoy celebrating other's with them. A Blogiversary just gives the blog owner a chance to reflect on the success and fun had on their blog after so many years posting.
So there are my chosen three things for today.
Lastly, the exciting part! Who will be receiving the Yoo-Hoo award to keep forever and pass on at the same time?!
This was an increasingly hard decision, that grew the more I thought about it. It was really something to sleep on, and I love all your blogs out there. You all do a fab job, but I must round them down to only seven, now.
So here we go:
I would really like to encourage these blogs on - I really enjoy them and they're just great! Keep posting guys!
If you haven't already, please check ALL of these blogs out - for your own sake!
If you are the owner of one of the blogs listed above, you can save the award to your own computer and post following the 4 simple rules stated.
Enjoy your award :-)
We also have Poll 20 to update you about!
The question posed was: 'What is your dog obsessed with, if anything?'
The answers came as usual:
Food - 4 (100%)
Toys - 0 (0%)
The Sun - 2 (50%)
The Grass - 1 (25%)
Water - 0 (0%)
People - 3 (75%)
Other dogs - 2 (50%)
Other different animals - 0 (0%)
The sand - 0 (0%)
The car - 1 (25%)
A certain friend/family member - 0 (0%)
You :-) - 2 (50%)
Nothing! - 0 - (0%)
Other? - 0 (0%)
Color key:
Red - 1st
Blue - 2nd
Yellow - 3rd
Green - 4th
Black - No place/votes
Can dogs really be obsessive?
Good question! They can be obsessive, however as far as I am aware, not seriously! It may even be as simple as loving something seriously.
My dog has a negatively obsessive behaviour. What can I do?
If your dog is obsessed with something to the extent of this having a negative impact on his/her life, your's, or the relationship between you and your dog, then ask a qualified behaviourist! In the meantime, try and limit your dog's access to the obsession itself, and distract your dog with other stimulating activities. If the problem is at home, spend a sensible amount of time out and about having fun with your dog.
What if I want my dog to be obsessed with something, for training purposes?
I would probably advise against this! You want your dog to love something, e.g treats or a special toy to motivate in training, however obsessed is the wrong term. If the item motivates your dog and he/she loves the item but not obsessively, that is fine, and you should find success with this. Obsession could lead to stressful, crazy training, and problems when you're out of the training ring!
The wrong things
Your dog could even be obsessed with the wrong things, e.g. the children's toys, or belongings. He/she needs to know what's his/her's, and what isn't to be touched. To solve this, isolate your dog from the item and sought professional help before it leads to more trouble.
Keywords learnt:
~ Obsession
~ Items
~ Isolate
~ Serious
~ Negative
~ Stimulating
Your dog could be obsessed with the wrong things. |
Poll 21 will be opening NOW! It will have 2 weeks as usual before info is given.
Remember to vote and share what you think should be in place in the dog world!
*Always refer to a vet or behaviourist before coming online. This is only my best opinion for the hopeful minor benefit of readers.
Poll 21 is on the subject of Agility.
The Question posed is: 'What is your Dog Agility status?'
You can vote more than once.
And WAIT! Before you think 'I don't do agility…' there is even a 'I don't do agility' status available for votes! Scroll down to the bottom of the page now!
What is your Dog Agility status? |
The 2 Weekly Dog Polls are seen only at EW! A special all round!
And have a chilled out Sunday!