June is the month for Multiple Pet Mania! And we are delighted to be joining in. Being the owner of two dogs and twelve pond fish, I jumped at the chance of sharing my love of having a multi-pet household. So, I will put my conclusion in the opening paragraph, because I made up my mind when Ethel arrived. So, although it may not work or be an option for some people, having a multi-pet household, for us, is bliss, and we love every second.
Earl (right) and Ethel - my precious pups. |
My two dogs, Earl and Ethel (as you will all already know) are my true and utter lives. They are the last things I think about as I drift off to sleep at night, and the first things I think about when I hazily awake the next morning. And having both of them just makes it all even more fun and exciting. I adore Earl; he is my best friend. Having Ethel has been like having another Earl - an amazing dog - but with a completely different character, which I like. They are both amazing dogs, in their different ways, and having a multi-pet household has just opened my heart up to even more.
Unfortunately, for many people, owners don't realise how fun and amazing having a multi-pet household can be. Owning more than one pet causes more stress, time, and effort. The two latter ones, yes, but in a good way. I adore spending time with both my fantastic dogs, who deserve every second of my time. The first one, not at all! It depends on how you look at it, and whether or not you are a naturally animal person. If you are, prepare to be blown away, because I am here today to break the stereotypes people have of multiple pets.
Let's start with me being honest. Having one pet takes time, money, effort, patience, and dedication. Pets can change your life; in a positive way. Therefore, it is an obvious fact that having two pets will take more of this, and three even more, and so on. However, I like to think that loving pet owners enjoy the time, money, effort, patience and dedication they put into their one pet. Therefore, why on earth would doubling, or maybe even tripling (or more!) these enjoyable aspects be a negative thing?
Earl is cuddly... |
... And Ethel is mischievous! |
So open your hearts, homes, sofas, and fireplaces, and consider adding another pet into your household, if you haven't already. Of course, factors such as the time, money and space you have available to dedicate to a/another pet is something you should individually decide upon sensibly. However, in general, having a multi-pet household is a joy. And, when the dogs are flaked out after a play and walk (and/or their beloved and anticipated tea!) I can go down to the garden and watch my twelve fish, swimming around gracefully in our natural pond. Perfect!
P.S. The answer to yesterday's post, 'what's Ethel been munching on?', is TENNIS BALL! Well done to all those who guessed right, and thanks to those who hazarded a guess! It was great reading all your suggestions!
We're joining the month-long Multiple Pet Mania Event and Blog Hop kindly hosted by
Cascadian Nomads,
My GBGV Life and
Wag 'n Woof Pets. You can join in anytime this June and share your multiple pet posts. Add the badge to your sidebar as well as your posts.