Tuesday 2 February 2016

A Life Without Celebratory Dinners

Can you imagine life without celebratory dinners? Christmas Dinner, New Year's Dinner and Birthday meals; gone. And, for our American/Canadian Blogging friends, Thanksgiving Dinner. Can you imagine life devouring the same meal day in, day out for the entirety of your life, including on large, important occasions? Now glance at your beloved dog, waiting greedily for his meal, licking his lips as though anticipating a huge, mouth-watering Roast Dinner. In reality, he's waiting for his usual daily meal, of course.

With this in mind, why should our dogs experience any different an occasion on the special occasions we love? As beloved, important family members, our dogs deserve to be included in the celebrations. Although giving our dogs human food can be unhealthy for our dogs and, in some cases, potentially dangerous, they can still enjoy a different and more exciting meal when we do.

All dished up!

I always ensure my dogs enjoy a delicious, exciting dinner of their own when we do. Instead of feeding them unhealthy and potentially dangerous human scraps - or giving any guests a reason to do so - I buy Earl and Ethel Burns Moist Food from the Penlan Farm range (found under the Moist Food subheading on their website), mixed in with some of their normal kibble to prevent upset stomachs. With four appetising flavours to choose from, including Chicken, Brown Rice and Vegetables, Lamb, Brown Rice and Vegetables, Egg, Brown Rice and Vegetables and Fish, Brown Rice and Vegetables, your dog will be spoilt for choice! A delicious and healthy Moist Dog Food, Burns Moist Food is a canine-approved, delicious meal for dogs; especially on special occasions when we're enjoying something nice!



They both thoroughly enjoyed digging into their delicious meals!

Does your dog enjoy celebratory dinners on special occasions?

We're joining Kol's Notes and Sugar The Golden Retriever in the Tasty Tuesday Blog Hop. Thank you!


  1. I always get Alpine Wabbit Stew when I bring home a title. Bailie gets the same. We love it!

    1. You love your Wabbit, don't you Emma? It sounds delicious!

  2. We better get a special supper tomorrow cuz it is a special day!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Happy Birthday guys! Did you enjoy a delicious meal on your big day?

  3. Oh sum finks special in our bowls is always very welcomes
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    1. Earl and Ethel wholesomely agree, Princess!

  4. Replies
    1. So do Earl and Ethel! What do you enjoy, Whitley?

  5. Your dindins look delicious!

  6. oh that looks tasty.... any leftovers for a pup who has to starve with die-t kibble?

  7. Earl and Ethel certainly thought so!

  8. That looks like one tasty dinner.
