Thursday 8 October 2015

5 Things My Dogs Have Taught Me

Dogs teach us all sorts of valuable lessons. In my humble opinion and experience, they teach us more valuable lessons than other humans do. Because 1. they don't scream in your face, 2. they are loyal and would never ditch you and 3. they can't hide behind lies or false identities. They are themselves, and we adore them for being themselves.

1. Patience. You can't have a dog and be impatient. Dogs need your time, love, dedication and effort. Without this, they can never blossom and reach their full, amazingly remarkable potential. Dogs need training; without patience, your training life with your dog will only be a frustrating one.

2. Real love. Dogs love unconditionally, and never let you down. They don't leave you for another owner, they don't become bored when you talk to them, and they don't argue with you. They listen to you, and they look up to you like no humans could. You are their ultimate world.

3. Responsibility. If you're a dog owner and aren't responsible, you're technically letting your dog down. You must tend to his/her needs throughout their life. This is something I absolutely adore doing; I know that I'm giving my dogs the best life a dog can possibly lead.

4. Pride. Yes, the awards count as a part of this, but the simple pride of owning a dog you love is amazing; especially one who you have put your upmost effort into making sure is an incredibly behaved and skilled dog. The pride from this cannot be outdone.

5. Appreciation. For us dog owners, simply looking at our dogs makes up appreciative. We have a wagging tail to come home to, a big, sloppy kiss waiting for us at anytime, and most of all, a constantly loving, giving companion.

Learn from your dog, and you will be forever in harmony.

We're joining our hosts 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog in the Thursday Barks And Bytes Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. I agree wiv all the above butts....I bet theys taught you how to do a good snuggles up and luffs as well!
    (oh and I'm teaching licky kisses!!!!)
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    1. I agree! My dogs are cuddle professionals!

  2. Very important to be very responsible
    Lily & Edward

    1. Being responsible is probably the most important part of owning any animal.

  3. Love this! If only more people were more like dogs!

    1. I agree! Dogs are loyal and provide contact companionship; something humans do not always do.

  4. Lovely post! Dogs teach you loads!

  5. sometimes I wonder how loyal my dogs would be if I ran out of food and didn't bother to buy more. :-)

    1. BOL! I'm sure they'd still remain your best friends!

  6. This is all so true. I especially appreciate the unconditional love they give with no judgments about anything superficial. There's no purer love than that of a dog (or other pet).

    1. I also appreciate everything my dogs do for me; being my loyal friends, for one.

  7. So true! Dogs are the best!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. I agree! Dogs rule, and so do dog-loving people!

  8. Love it! Dogs do not lie. And they are always glad to see you. And they always love you, no matter what!

    1. I agree! Dogs only know how they're raised. If a dog is raised well, all he ever knows is to be a loyal friend.

  9. Exactly!! They love like no other :)

  10. we can learn so much things from our dogs, they are the best teachers :o) even when they want a treat instead an apple :o) I've learnt to keep all things in order... because efurrything what's not on the right place is Easy's toy and that mostly ends not good :o)

    1. Being an intelligent and somewhat complex species, their behaviour fascinates me beyond belief.

  11. The most perfect post ever!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you think so!

  12. Great list. Patience is always a work in progress but Mom is learning it.

    1. Thank you. And I agree about patience; our dogs can test it at times, but owning a dog is always a privilege.

  13. GREAT advice. I think the patience is the thing I've really learned from them. And the love of course. No-one and I mean NO-ONE loves me like my dogs do.

    Thanks for joining the blog hop.

  14. Yes!! So so true!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. All of this is true. Hubby says hunt test training really teaches patience. Without patience he would have given up many times. I bet you find that with your training too. I love the Halloween theme. I am so far behind but hope to catch up some this week. Thanks so much for joining the hop.

    1. I agree in so many ways! Training my dogs is a pleasure, but in the competitive agility scene, we can experience some incredibly tough days.

  16. super post, mine have taught me all that too, just love my animals.
