Wednesday 27 July 2016

Dog Vegas Finals 24/07/16

We had another absolutely incredible Agility show at the Dog Vegas Finals show on the 24/07/16!

Little Ethel has gone Grade 5! She won Grade 4 Jumping and Combined 1-4 Jumping; the final two wins necessary for her to win out! She also came 3rd in Combined 1-4 Agility and 2nd in Grade 4 Agility, with me holding her on her contacts for training purposes, obviously slowing her down! She was absolutely amazing! She would have won a different Grade 4 Jumping class by five seconds, but she unfortunately knocked a pole. I could not have asked for more from her at all! We really do have a promising and extremely exciting future in Agility coming up!

Earl also did me proud, coming 6th in the Dog Vegas Finals that he qualified for during 2015! He ran beautifully for a sensitive little soul in a huge ring with a massive audience and even a commentary! He always has, still does and always will do me proud for trying his very best for me in all that he does.

We are joining BlogPaws in the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Thank you!


  1. Just look at ALL those rosettes!!!!
    Well done both of you, you are STARS!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. You must be getting quite a large pile of ribbons by now! Good job!

  3. Congratulations! I am so happy to see that you are doing awesome. I've missed you. ☺

  4. Yay well done! Amazing results all of you!

  5. Look at you! Congratulations
    Lily & Edward

  6. Congratulations Earl and Ethel!! Smiles, Barks and Wagging Tails, Denise & ~Shasta
