Monday 17 November 2014

Monday Mischief - 'Don't Play With Your Food' she says...

Its a rule that must be ignored, says Earl!! Ethel disagrees with Earl and kind of agrees with me, and believes there is nothing wrong with simply scoffing your food down before playing. Therefore no playing with food at all. No opportunity at all. Earl would probably feel the same way, that is, if I hadn't accustomed him to doing all sorts for photo shoots before actually eating the food. THEN, he gets plenty of the little crunchers.

First, the three-treat-head-balance...

Secondly, the fake lick...

And finally, the mid nom!

I love all these PAWsome pics!! 

I actually find it quite surprising that Earl actually goes with these photos with all his happiness and willingness - he may love to snap them up and swallow them almost whole, however, he also loves performing and doing tricks for me! He has a reliable 'leave it' command, so I can place treats in front of him and he won't even touch them! And he wears that big doggy smile whilst doing as I ask. Working with me is his ideal thing to do (at loss of a better phrase other than 'thing to do'!!).

Does your dog allow you to take foodie photos, or do you find it hard?

We're delighted to be participating in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop very kindly hosted by Snoopy's Dogblog, Alfie's Blog, and My Brown Newfies - thanks again, guys!


Also, don't forget to cast your kindly vote for me and Earl for the Dogs Monthly (Magazine) HiLife 'Best Friends' Trophy 2014, if you haven't already. This award means the world to us, and to get it would be totally incredible and lifting. Our relationship is special - if you missed the post, visit it HERE and see for yourself fully.

To vote, email with 'Best Friends' in the subject box. In the main body, write 'I would like Summer Clark and Earl to win the HiLife Trophy 2014' (or something along those lines, stating CLEARLY our names). That's all, you can then hit send! Alternatively, write to Best Friends, Dogs Monthly, 61 Great Whyte, Ramsey, Huntingdon PE26 1HJ. Voting closes on 4 December 2014, so get your votes in ASAP, and support one wonderful little terrier and the human girl he has 'saved'!

Every vote counts, and we are eternally grateful for EVERY single person who votes. Thank you SO SO SO much for your such generous voting!!

Earl and I are a fantastic pair, with an incredible relationship and story <3


  1. I say, grab and run with the food!

  2. BOL! Yes, I take those kind of pics all the time!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  3. I love these photos! It's rare that I can get the fluffies to allow me to balance food on their heads. They're scared of it! However, I can put treats on their paws or in front of them and their 'leave it' is pretty solid ;)

    1. Thanks! BOL! Aw, that's cute, same with Earl, Ethel not so much :-P

  4. No way! We swallow everything even before we think of playing
    Lily & Edward

  5. I are pretty good - I let my momma take a photo of me wif my birthday cake, but I got a lick in first!

  6. Hmmm, well sometimes I am as good as Earl and can "leave it" and pose with it for as long as Ma needs. Other times, she has caught me mid-photo snatching the delicious treat and eating it. BOL

  7. We just finished our post for tomorrow, Earl and we put the link in it to your voting post. We hope you get lots of votes and win.

    1. Thanks so much!!! :-D You're so kind - we do too. Paws crossed!!!

  8. I kno yoo luv her Earl my pal but I haz repawt yore mum to Amnestee clearly breech of your rites goin on ere....
