Monday, 30 September 2013

Agility + shake that toy!

Agility photos time!!! Because our 2 weekly class wasn't going ahead, we built a course using our own equipment in the garden. We didn't finish without snaps being taken though haha.

Exiting the tunnel

Diving over

Landing and a snapping shadow

Flicking those hind legs

Floor angle course

We also went for a visit to a family member's house afterwards and Earl played a game of shake the toy!


Enough is enough

To the side tongue!!!

A lot of fun was had!

More to come!

Earl and I.

Monday Mischief - Bedtime not

I found it rather challenging to find some mischievous snaps this monday! Not to blow our own trumpets but my boy is so well behaved!

Anyway, I have gathered a few of Earl looking rather guilty under the bed covers. Doesn't he look funny!

Earl and I.

We hopped off 2 Brown Dawgs Blog

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Black and White Sunday - Crashed positively

Earl enjoys chilling' in black n' white. He also enjoys getting his photos transformed into it as well! Only 2 minuets ago he was sat watching me work on this blog post... and now he has gone to chill in normal colours!

Earl and I.

We hopped off SlimDoggy

Poll 4 - winning vote - opening to poll 5

Poll 4's question posed was: do you think dogs should have their own pages on the internet? And we had 3 votes.

Our winning vote was:
I don't really mind, as I see no harm in doing so. 2 (66%)

So here we go.

Pages on the internet,starring our dogs

Many people think it is fun to make pages on the internet owned and written by their dogs, or even just highly or even obsessively dedicated to their dogs! There are many social media websites out there online, and many dogs have their own dedicated profiles which people have fun viewing and commenting on etc.

Why should you feel calm about doggie pages on the internet?

You should definitely have your own thoughts on the matter when it comes to all aspects of life. However, online, you should try to stay calm when you discover doggie pages online, even if you despise the idea! If you get yourself involved in an unfriendly way, it isn't nice for the people involving themselves in a friendly way, trying to make light of the whole thing and have fun. Doggie pages online can be full of fun and friendship! And of course, they are a great way that people like breeders/fosterers/previous owners/families from abroad etc can keep up to date with what your dog is doing and see the photos and videos published on their site, page, or profile. A lot of dogs even 'make' Skype calls to people so they can be face to face in a moving atmosphere!

More on doggie pages online...

Pages dedicated to dogs online was brought in when people started to get move involved in their dogs, like new dog sports and dog events etc. They thought that it would be a nice idea to get involved on the internet with dogs because it was something fun to do! This is done almost purely out of entertainment purposes!!

What should you do?

Either get involved and join the fun or keep your hates to yourself. We're all different and like different things, so whatever you think is good! 

The other votes were:

Yes! (1 (33%)
No. (0 0%)
I don't know. (0 0%)

Well done and thank you for voting! If you voted, you managed to get your opinion out there to the world of what you think should be in place in the dog world! Your making one of those minor differences that counts.

Our poll 5 will be opening NOW! It will have 2 weeks as usual for voting until it closes and information will be given after the closing date. Remember to share what you think should be in place in the dog world!

Our Poll 5 is on the subject of neutering. The question posed is: 'Do you think its a good idea to get dogs neutered?'

Lets get voting! Thanks.


Earl and I.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

This 'N That Thursday - Randoms

Wet beard! 

Long leg!!!

Just chilling... what more??

Oh hello! Didn't see you there.

This is just a bit of this... and a bit of that.... and hey, its all here on Thursday! 

The first photo is of Earl sunbathing, however, I could not add a caption because the post layout would mess up if I did! (I tried :-o)

You see Thursdays are all about a mix... and that is what Earl and I have brought you this thursday.

Earl just loves having multiple, and different photos taken of him, mainly by me, because we always have a great fun time in the process.

Earl and I.

We hopped off 2 Brown Dawgs Blog

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Pleased with Progress

Today, we had several visitors come to our house. We are trying to stop Earl from gettin so ridiculously wound up at guests when they arrive. We will allow a few barks fo security reasons and then I will say 'quiet' and Earl will obey. Its like an off-switch which can be taught with time, patience, and dedication.
So today. Just as a visitor pulled up in their car outside our house, and Earl was not yet aware of this, I calmly slipped his lead on and took him to the kitchen. He made a fuss when he heard the keys rattle, door open and visitor's excited greeting voice. I got him focued on me and we did some training, When the visitor entered the room we continued, even though Earl was getting a little distracted. We worked until this stopped, and he was locked into my commands. I then took the lead off. I wasn't expecting perfection but I was impressed. Earl went up to the visitor wagging his body, rubbed up against their legs and then lifted his front paws; and before I blinked again, he ran off, had a drink, and chewed his marrow ring in a contented manner! I was flabbergasted and OVER THE MOON with how fast he was 'getting it'! He used to bother the vistors in such an unacceptable, in-polite way for so many minuets before. He would just launch himself as close to their face level as possible, so he was almost in their eyeline (!) then make whiney noises until he was fed up of waiting. Now it took less than 10 secvonds. I am hoping that Earl will, as the last, finished, and perfected result, bark a few times when istor appraoches property, wait calmly for them to enter house, then wag at them and maybe trot over and leave them to peace. I am not at all trying to take this human-loving way out of Earl, I just want to make it so that humans can love Earl back and enjoy his greeting which unfortunately wasn't the case beforehand.Very pleased with our work and training paying off, and looking forward to the finished result in the future. There's nothing like dedication! Well done Earl!!!

Earl and I.

Tis about here

Well I have been teaching my pooch a spot of Geography! He is trying to get the hang of where the UK is, and he is close but not quite there yet. He even demanded he learn it upside down so I could take photos easily from the other side! He even got so desperate to know that he stamped both front paws on the map. Hard. I felt bad then. My poor boy is so willing to learn!





Stamping his paws in frustration to learn and to try and guess two places at one time! Don't give up Earl!

Wow, so close! Just a little bit to your right! 
Stay tuned to see if Earl followed the instructions on where to aim his paw! Can and will he hit the UK?!

Earl and I.

Wordless Wednesday - Ruuun!


Earl runs for some great shots by the camera... and for the sheer joy of running and playing off lead in a large area! 

No land was harmed by some fast and furious pounding paws in the making of this blog post!!!

Earl and I.

We hopped off Greyhounds CAN Sit

Monday, 23 September 2013

Monday Mischief! - Slipper BOL - First Blog Hop here!

Earl says.... Oh. Did you wanna wear this?!

He puts on a rather fearful expression and shuts his eyes tight shut... in the fright of getting told of for being close to his owner's odd slipper! It was only a quick investigation!

He promises!

Earl and I.

We hopped off Wilson's World

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Wonderful walk

Today, Earl and I went for a walk to the field where Earl had a nice run around.

It was a lot of fun!

Earl and I.