Friday 13 September 2013

Run and weave - step by step learning

Recently Earl and I have mastered the trick Run and Weave. It is where I run along, and Earl weaves in and out of my legs whilst I do so. Its easy to teach, but you need a good starting point!

In action!
You need to teach your dog to weave in a figure-of-8 between your legs. If you have a smaller dog, position your legs a bit apart from being parallel to your shoulders. Hold and treat out and guide your dog in the correct shape. When you reach mastering the trick, your dog should weave happily even without having a treat as a lure.

Try the walk and weave trick. Start walking very slowly across a roomy area (preferably outdoors for better space) and lure your dog with a high-value treat. In and out your legs; stay calm and make sure you don't step on or trip over your dog. Remember your previous trick: weave on the spot. At the end you should be able to walk at a normal pace with your dog weaving in and out your legs as you do so.

Its time for some running from you and some weaving from your dog! Start walking and weaving to get your dog prepared. Start walking faster every few attempts until you are almost at jogging pace. When your dog fails at a pace (because accidents do happen!) go back to the last pace you two succeeded at. Keep progressing then try jogging, but stretch your legs very wide while your do, so your dog can fit between your legs! Be aware, if you are a child with a larger dog, this is not a suitable thing to do! Don't cause distress to you or your dog. Try a different trick - there is lots to do! 
Now you are jogging successfully, start leaping. Get your dog to run in and out of your legs whilst you leap. Leap BIG! If you don't you could face tripping over your dog or kicking him. Perceiver, unless, of course, you cause distress to your dog, e.g. you have just tripped over him and made him flee or 'yip'. STOP when this occurs, and try again the next day. If you scare your dog of the trick, you will find it almost impossible to teach the trick to the final step! If you and your dog are proving successful, get a couple of friends or family members to watch you in action, or get someone to video you, or set up your own video camera to get you and your dog. Then you can get some feedback from people, or make an evaluation of your progress yourself when you watch the video. if your not happy, take a break, and the next day, try again, get a video done, and see if you've improved. If not, try again the next day and do the same. If you don't give your dog a break he will get to the point where he refuses to perform. You will succeed after hard work and fun - your positive attitude towards learning with your dog will make a huge impact on your success in the trick, so do this only if you will have the self-encouragement to keep up with your dog's spirits or you will have no fun. Even if you think it might be too hard - have a go if you have a good attitude towards learning with your dog and teaching him new things. It will improve your bond at the same time! 

Good luck and have a lot of fun! This trick might even earn you a 1st place in a dog show like it did us!!!

Earl and I.

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