Monday, 1 December 2014

Pinch Punch Post's 1st Hopiversary! - December 2014 (e.g. Advent begins!)

Its Monday the 1st of December 2014, meaning its PPP Blog Hop time again!! And as always, we're excited to get going! We're also making some changes to the PPP Hop too - to make it easier for you - stay tuned

Its also the Pinch Punch Post Blog Hop's 1st Hopiversary! We can't believe we've been hopping and hosting for a year. And after 1 year, we're making a few little minor changes to it - we love the hop, and thanks to everyone who has hopped and supported it for that year! We can't wait for many more years of it to come...

And December means lots of things in one. Snow may be coming. Frost is growing on the grass. Our windows are seeing a lot of condensation. Central heating is lavished with attention. Christmas is coming! And Advent begins! Chocolate for all! And our dogs don't have to miss out… you can purchase doggy choc advent calendars like the one you see mine with below from Armitage Pet Care's Good Boy brand! They are 100% SAFE! But not for puppies under 3 months please.

Ethel really didn't want to pose with the calendar. Instead, she simply sat there on the kitchen floor, occasionally whining quickly and jumping in excitement. So there is the photo. She just wanted the treat inside the door! Photos-shmotos, she says!!!

The pair absolutely loved opening door one on their advent calendar this morning! They give the Good Boy Doggy Chocolate Advent Calendar a full 5 paw-rating!! Paws Up for it!

We're really getting into the festive season now!!!

OH! And before you post your own PPP, please can you save the following badge to your device - WE'VE ADDED SOME VITAL INFORMATION TO THE PPP BLOG HOP BADGE, CHANGED IT AND IMPROVED IT!! It should stay as below from now on - and I hope you remember the new PPP rules we announced last month - the easier ones!!! - You can now simply relate to the month with anything  e.g. a photo of your pets in a scene doing something related to the coming month, e.g. snow in december, panting in the sun in July, etc. That is all we are going to be doing from now on too, the avoid confusion and make it easier for linkers. Enjoy, and here is the badge to save below!!! Please take note of the new and MUCH EASIER way of PPPing!!!

Can you notice the difference? Yep, the photo and title stays the same, however the rules are now a whole lot easier! If you don't understand, please email or use our contact form.

I think our new badge and PPP way is great and much improved from the old way of doing it. As you can see we're making several changes around lately - all for the better!

We hope you all enjoy RELATING TO THE NEW MONTH!

Pinch Punch Post - Blog Hop
Every 1st of every month

~ Simply relate to the coming month!

Join us @ Earl's World!, My Dog Diaries and My Mutt Riley for the Pinch Punch Post Blog Hop every 1st of every month to relate to the coming month and share some excitement about it!

Please link up and share the hop around (we'd be very grateful!). Plus the PAWsome badge to go alongside!!

OMD! Only 3 days left to vote for Earl and I in the Dogs Monthly Magazine's HiLife Best Friends Trophy 2014!!!

Please CLICK HERE to see our main post on why you should and how to vote for Earl and I in this special award that means the world to us! Just see the bottom of the post to click on above to see how you can vote - thanks SO much, and we will be eternally grateful!

We're an incredible pair of very best friends <3


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