Friday 6 March 2015

Casual Stretching

Earl knows how important it is for dogs to take regular exercise. But before this, dogs also need to ensure they warm up beforehand, and cool down afterwards. Earl's new method of warming up and cooling down is doing some stretches. AND STRETCH THOSE LEGS!

Looking over this eye-catching snapshot one more time...

Is Earl a stretcher, or a supermodel?! YOU DECIDE!

Whatever he is being here, he is sure warming up those muscles! You cans see all his legs and his body stretching and keeping warm. Just look at the concentration on that face, though! When one is concentrating that hard, you always see good results in the form of bulky muscles! And bulky muscles Earl has! We are sure these exercises he takes help a deal...


  1. Good stretch Earl...although you do look like a super model ;)

  2. Showing off his 6-pack abs I think ;)

  3. LOL love a bit of DOGA me. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. I think he's practicin' climbin' a tree so's he can catch a skwirrel!!!

  5. Lol that's the opposite of the downward dog!

  6. Pole dancin Earl my pal? Haz it come to dis?

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      Earl Lover
