Monday 2 March 2015

Dog Piles Shall Soon Balance

Rough and tumble - the dream game. Soon, Ethel will grow more and more, and dog piles (as demonstrated below by two willing candidates) will become more balanced. However, even though Earl is the biggest and strongest dog, Ethel's enthusiasm and bounciness will often get the better of the game. Meaning the mature will to snooze in Earl, will sometimes lose.

And remember not to feel sorry for Earl. He has the wisdom, and the brains of a still-young five year old dog. On top of this, he also has the speed, stamina, and strength to play back and show the young ones who's boss... when he wants to. And anyway, he enjoys the games as much!

Also, for 10 more days, you can still join the March 2015 Pinch Punch Post Blog Hop and relate to the new month with your dogs in a fun fashion by clicking here and above!


  1. Nothing like a good rough and tumble. Enjoy. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. That is a daily occurrence at our house with Bailie and I for over a year now.

  3. Dis is ow it start Earl my look like game and den wun day da fee-male haz takes over yore owse...bleev my...haz eggsperryence of dis

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    1. Hello

      I have removed this comment from visibility, as I do not allow comments like this on my blog.

      Earl Lover
