Sunday 1 March 2015

Pinch Punch Post - March 2015

Its a new month once again! And therefore time to be excited about what the new month could and IS going to bring for you and your dogs. We're looking forward to hopefully more fun and canine activities spent with good pals throughout March. As always however, there are always some downs to our ups, just as life is. But we'll conquer through like we always do bravely - I say, bring it on... but still let it go well...

And what do we have planned in March? Well - to kickstart the month, next week we are attending Crufts, the world's largest dog show! We can then look forward to some more competitions in the month, including the final show of the Winter League of Agility Nuts this year! We will find out the lucky winners in each league, to first, second, and third place. We also have a new venue to go to, for a Kennel Club show later in the month. We're very excited to see what that's like! I also have a Digital Photography course which I am attending to help my skills in the field develop. We're going to have plenty more good times!

Could March be a nice weather month?

And what happened for us in February, which stood out to us? Well, Earl's 5th birthday, of course! We had a wonderful time celebrating this special occasion snuggling on the sofa and for the dogs alone, playing with new presents. I always adore canine events where spoiling your dogs is the norm! As, obviously, it is here with us.

We hope you all have a brilliant month ahead - March! What do you have planned?

We host the PPP Blog Hop alongside our lovely cohosts My Dog Diaries and My Mutt Riley - I would like to thank them once again for their monthly dedication.

- Simply relate to the new month, someway, somehow!
- Your post can be as large or as small as you wish!
- Enjoy the hop and have fun!

Join us, link up, and share the hop around! Below, you can see how to grab your own blog-related link to display. See others below, and grab the above badge too!

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  1. I hope march is better on the weather front,xx Speedy

  2. YEAAAH MARCH!!!!!!! Have a good one, I have a dog-packed one, the amount of dogs and puppies going to be around in it... I definitely have the best birthday month with Crufts and all!

  3. Pinch punch first day of the month, I said it first (actually you said it first but in my doggy mind I did, haha) :-D

  4. Already sunny and mild here and we hope it stays that way. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Woohooo, what I look forward to most this March is the warmer weather coming our way!
    Although I don't think my huskies feel the same way!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
