Thursday 14 April 2016

A To Z Challenge - L Is For Learn

Learning is vitally important in dog training. You need to learn how to correctly and successfully train your dog, and your dog needs to learn how to respond to and obey your commands. You also need to learn from your mistakes! Learning from your mistakes will help you and your dog to grow as a team and experience more success. Look at mistakes, errors and faults as good ways of learning, progressing and growing.


Learning is important for progress, so you need to ensure that it is occurring for you and your dog when you train to ensure a successful outcome.

We are joining the Blogging From A To Z April Challenge 2016!

Join in on social media - #AToZChallenge


  1. Yes, doggies can learn if the hoomans take the time to teach us!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Training time is my favorite time of the day!

    You'd Dachshund pal,

  3. I want a dog so bad! I think I almost have the wife on board. Nice to meet you and the pups! Happy A to Z'ing 2 Ya!

    1. Haha! Good luck on your persuasion! Happy A To Z Challenge!

  4. Oh, my goodness! I'm so glad I stopped by from A to Z Blogging Challenge. We are in the market, but my husband has been unable to settle on a breed. I'm going to show him Earl! A Border Terrier. I had never heard of them before. My husband likes terriers. Me, I like hounds, but Earl is perfect!

    1. Thank you so much! My Earl and Ethel are both adorable Border Terriers, although they have rather contrasting appearances!

  5. Learning can be GREAT funs, especially if there are TREATS involved!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. We love videos of our sports as they can teach us a lot!

    1. So do we! I often look at videos showing and articles about Agility for inspiration and simple enjoyment.

  7. Learning never ends :o) maybe therefore learning and life start with the same letter?

  8. It is true, mistakes are all part of learning.
