Tuesday 19 April 2016

A To Z Challenge - P Is For Patience

A cross and inpatient handler will only result in an unhappy, unfocussed and unmotivated dog who will be reluctant to participate in the training. Understanding how difficult and confusing your dog could be finding a certain command is paramount when training him. You must be patient with him and help him learn at his own pace. Rushing him will only ruin the quality and accuracy of his performance, and being cross with him for misunderstanding or not obeying a command will only put him off training. If your dog disobeys you, it is much more likely that he has a valid reason for doing so than simply choosing not to do as you ask of him. If he looks confused or uncomfortable, comfort him and remain calm. Keep your attitude positive and have another attempt, being kind and thoughtful as you guide him. Aim to understand his feelings and why he might be confused. Observe his behaviour and help him to succeed.

Imagine if your schoolteacher or boss screamed at you for making a mistake due to a misunderstanding or lack of knowledge or experience doing a certain task. Would you want to have a second attempt or come back again, knowing that you will be scolded if you find something difficult? No! So why would your dog want to continue with the training session if you were being inpatient with him? Patience is one of the most paramount aspects of dog training, as there is always a challenge involved. Embrace the challenges that you face and work with your dog as a team to succeed. Aim to be on the same wavelength as your dog; your goal is to understand him and how he is feeling and finding a command. This way, you can help him to progress.

We are joining the Blogging From A To Z April Challenge 2016!

Join in on social media - #AToZChallenge


  1. Patience is important!

    Your Blogville mayor candidate friend,
    Christmas the Dachshund

  2. Yes, Patience is NECESSARY!! Love that photo!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Mom needs to learn more patience when I want to sit in the sun on our walk
    Lily & Edward

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Having patience is so incredibly important! Dogs don't understand it when we get frustrated with them.

  6. My mom says she needs a lot of patience with three dogs and two cats. She does well, though. Sometimes she loses it, but mostly she is patient with us.

  7. you are totally right... impatience can ruin everything. and it even can ruin the relationship between dog&human.

  8. I can't agree more patience is everything! It can be hard while training for a new trick or trying to learn a new command but patience on the owners end will transfer over to your dog. They can pick up on negative energy and sense if you're stressed.

  9. Excellent advice! Patience is a key element in all forms of dog training. Super cute photo of Ethel & Earl!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  10. Excellent advice! Patience is a key element in all forms of dog training. Super cute photo of Ethel & Earl!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  11. Training dogs is a great way to learn patience.
