Wednesday 20 April 2016

A To Z Challenge - Q Is For Question

If you're unsure about something, asking questions to people who are more knowledgable and experienced than you in the field will result in you learning something new and finding out what you were previously unsure of. If you want some information of any kind, never be afraid to approach someone and ask for some friendly help or advice. If you want someone's help, reach out to them! Remember, knowing something can be the difference between success and failure in that field.


Ask people questions and you can gain their knowledge. Although approaching people may feel uncomfortable, you simply cannot learn if you don't reach out to people and let them help you.

We are joining the Blogging From A To Z April Challenge 2016!

Join in on social media - #AToZChallenge

We are joining BlogPaws in the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Thank you!


  1. Great advice! It's surprising how much you can learn from people if you just ask. Even stopping to talk and be friendly to someone you don't know can yield all kinds of interesting information.

  2. Questions are very important things!

    Your mayor candidate pal,
    Christmas the Dachshund

  3. A friend of ours always says he doesn't want to die stupid so he always asks questions.

  4. Very true, you need to ask lots of questions when learning something new. I see you have a very fancy pillow to lay on today. Question: got Room for one more on that pillow??
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  5. Very true, you need to ask lots of questions when learning something new. I see you have a very fancy pillow to lay on today. Question: got Room for one more on that pillow??
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  6. Great advice! You can learn lots just by asking!

  7. It's important to question things!

  8. I know I am way behind in my blog reading if you are all the way up to Q! Oops!

  9. Questions are the best way to learn about others!!! Love your pillow!!! :)

  10. Q is a difficult word, you did a great job!

  11. that's right! if we don't ask we will get no answer... and we will get a "no" automatically even when we would get a "yes" when we would ask :o)

  12. You can learn a lot by asking questions especially if you ask the right person.
