Thursday 7 August 2014

YOU! - Mel, Zippy and Rory

Hey people and pets! Today, we have yet another YOU! report and interview! Woohoo! I just adore the many people writing in lately! Thank you all!

So. To have Mel get in touch with me was like opening my eyes that little bit more for the second time. I have re-found Zippy the Whippet's blog! Its wonderful! You see, I visited this blog ages ago now, and never remembered to go back, as I forgot on the day to save the blog to my blogroll that I follow… Now I follow the blog once again! After that reminder via email, striking me straight away with 3 big images of one beautiful big dog and friends.

Owner: Mel
Pet(s): Zippy and Rory (dogs - Whippets)

Whippet madness between Zippy and Rory!

The zippy whippet zooming along

Oh look, I think I've found a trail to sniff along…
Mel Mo granted Earl's World! the permission to use these photos.

Pet blog

Zippy the Whippet

Story & Interview (Red and slanted = me - Blue and upright = interviewee).

Hi Mel! Please could you introduce us to your dogs?

My dogs are Zippy and Rory the Whippets.

What do you love to do with Zippy and Rory?

Watch them zoom. Whippet zooming is sure incredible! And bake tasty treats for them! All that zooming builds up a mighty appetite.

Why was your blog - Zippy the Whippet - set up?

To share our story of owning whippets with everyone.

How do Zippy and Rory inspire you in life?

They inspire me through their grace and elegance when running.

Thanks Mel - it sure seems you share a very active life with your beloved dogs! Enjoy those treats now - it was lovely talking to you!

I would seriously hope you hop over to Mel's blog right now - its honestly a fab read.

Thanks for writing in your YOU! report Mel!

If you write in your story NOW, you will be one of the next-in-liners for future YOU! reports - all YOU! reporters are guaranteed to be featured on the blog* - email to write in, and visit our official YOU! page HERE for details on what to include. 

We are waiting eagerly to hear from YOU!

Remember, every published YOU! post on our blog here grants the interviewee (person who wrote in, in this case Mel) chance to grab the below badge, and display it proudly on their blog sidebar/other cyberspace place!!

Mel, you can pick your's up now!


Today has been a


You can share the above badge around to spread the word about YOU! @EW if you want, but this isn't the badge you get when you write in. 

We'd be pleasured if you could help us shout about this PAWsome opportunity to share your blog around, and get more people to know you! Plus, its great fun for all (the writers, and readers!)


  1. Thanks for choosing to feature us on you blog! Lots of Licks, Zippy & Rory.

  2. Love how you already added Ethel in your last badge!

    1. Yep! Nothing better than good preparation :-)

  3. Wow a mum that bakes tasty treats for her pups to give them for extra energy after zoomies sounds great to us. Zippy and Rory sure are happy dogs. Nice interview Earl. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Great interview and I haven't heard of this blog before, so that is for sharing!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
