Saturday 10 January 2015

Pet Blogger Challenge 2015

Hi all! Welcome to the Pet Blogger Challenge 2015 here at EW!

1. How long have you been blogging? And, for anyone stopping by for the first time, please give us a quick description of what your blog is about.

I have been blogging for precisely 1 year, 8 months, 3 weeks and 6 days TODAY! I have been keeping a dedicated record of how long I have been blogging - determined not to miss any future Blogiversaries! I have enjoyed every minute of this time. The blog is all about my two Border Terriers, Earl and Ethel. It was first inspired by Earl, hence the name! The blog keeps up with the adventures we share, including competing, travelling, events, and even new products such as treats and toys. I also enjoy reviewing some products from time to time and giving helpful and practical advice on dogs.

2. Tell us one thing that you accomplished on your blog in 2014 that made you proud.

I became the proud cohost of the Sepia Saturday Blog Hop alongside Ruckus The Eskie. This made me extremely proud! And this opportunity hasn't only been a positive for me! It has helped Ruckus to spread the word about his blog hop, hoping some more people shall come along and join us. One of those fantastic win-win situations!

3. What lessons have you learn this year - from other blogs, or through your own experience - that could help us all with our own blogs?

From my own experience - If you dislike something about your blog - whatever that may be - knuckle down and fix it as soon as you can. There's nothing worse than blogging on a blog you're not proud of to look at and read. I know this from my own recent experience. My design was looking a little old and messy. So I decided to get to business as soon as possible and have already began giving it a fresh new appearance. I am happier with my blog's appearance and this makes me proud. I hope others will look at it this way too.

4. What have you found to be the most successful way to bring traffic to your blog, other than by writing great content?

Blog Hops help advertise our blogs everyday through the list of links. The more hops we join, the more people find out about us and seek our blog. I see more comments on posts linked to a blog hop than general posts without any link. Its a faster way to discover other blogs when you view the lists. And when you link, that happens to you too!

5. What was your most popular blog post this year? Did it surprise you that it was the most popular?

In 2014 the most popular blog post was Black and White Playtime - Spot The Effect - we blogged a little differently back then. This doesn't surprise me too much... we were asking for readers opinions and guesses. People love engagement - and that's what this post was all based around. However the blog wasn't as professional, and we ran it quite differently then, so in a way, it does surprise me!

6. What was your favourite blog post to write this year?

This is such a hard question! I've wrote such a lot of posts. However it'll have to go to

7. Has your policy on product reviews and/or giveaways changed this year?

When I write reviews, this is my own choice in an attempt to help and advise viewers on some products that may be of use to them. I have never asked for anything in return, as I've always thought of my blog as a hobby and nothing else. However, in 2015 and beyond, I am going to be doing some serious thinking as to whether I could benefit from doing my blog - after all, I love writing it so much! Things may start to progress when it comes to this field. My best policy for any reviews, serious or fun, is to be honest about the product you're reviewing. You don't want to mislead your viewers. Because reviewing is all about giving people an honest case study and experience.

- If you do reviews, what do you think works best, and what doesn't work at all?

You have to remember how many people view your blog on a daily basis. The last thing you want to do is lead them to believe something false about a product you've reviewed. If you're writing a review and you benefit back, you still need to be honest. Whatever you may be reviewing, never be afraid to tell the whole truth!

8. What's your best piece of advice for other bloggers?

This would have to be keep it fun for yourself. If you write your blog as a job or for beneficial purposes, the fun is more likely to slip... so keep it fun and take the pressure off - review your time, organise your posts, and/or set an online routine for your blog.

9. What goals do you have for your blog in 2015?

In my opinion, I want to learn to go with the flow a little more. I want to learn to use different online tools and techniques such as social media sharing to keep my blog popular even through the days I do not post due to circumstances or time. I want to learn to use these and manage my time set aside to writing on the blog, sharing the blog and the posts, and even having these days away from the blog to refresh, and/or still be online organising the next few days of posts. I believe this would be more fun for me and less pressure added to keeping my readers happy with the blog.

10. If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one challenge you're having with your blog, what would it be?

I would find out how other pet bloggers manage their time. When they write, put together and organise their posts. I sometimes find time management hard to deal with on my blog. And I want to improve on this with the help from other bloggers. My blogging friends are wonderful people and pets, and I am very grateful for all the help they can give.

Thanks for hearing us out there! And we hope you've learnt new things about us through this challenge. This is a lengthy writing and reading process - and I always love participating.

Lets think about our blogs!

Thanks to hosts Go Pet Friendly


  1. That is so true about making it a job. That can take the fun out of it, and that's no good. Great answers!!

  2. Point well taken. I guess I better make a few changes in my blog I've been ignoring. Seeing all these wonderful looking blogs has been an inspiration.

  3. We love Earl and Ethel! Time management is hard. We try to get most of our photos and posts done on weekends, social media we do daily on and off during the day. Saturdays we rarely post and try to spend lots of time away from the computer. It works pretty well for us.

    1. Aw thanks! We're glad!! Seems like you have a great way of doing things :-) Thanks!

  4. Great answers. hm, time management, I think I need some help with that too!

  5. Time management is the first thing all bloggers complain about. And yet, when I spoke at BlogPaws in 2012 on Finding Time to Blog, I had far fewer people in my audience than the speakers talking about making money blogging.

    I think it's just a perennial problem and complaining about not having enough time is one of the things that brings us all together. :)

  6. How beautiful are Earl and Ethel! This is my first visit to your blog, but I'll definitely be back! Keep up the great work! :)

    1. Thanks so much! Hello! Nice to meet you!!!!! Thanks SO much!!

  7. Yoo is like da slebritees in da maggyzeens Earl my pal...wot wiv da repawters at yore door like dis....

  8. Great job with the Sepia Saturday Blog Hop. I see many of these posts come through my RSS feed. I'd love to see how others organize their time. Some people seem to get so much done in so little time. I'm pretty sure some people must have 25 hour days :) As for me, my best advice on organization is to use batch process and use calendar plugins and apps to schedule posts and updates.

    Good luck to you in 2015!

  9. Favourite post? "However it'll have to go to..." ???? Or is it a secret and we have to guess?

  10. Thanks so much for participating in the Challenge! You've done a fantastic job with the design here on Earl's World - it's easy on the eyes, comfortable to read, and the color palette is very appealing. As for managing our time, I STILL have no idea how to do that. I usually write my posts in the morning and publish them as soon as I get them done. It's not the best method - if I let them sit, I'm sure I'd think of better ways to say things, or one more thing I'd like to include, but I just can seem to get a stockpile of posts in the hopper. I guess we all have to do what works for us, though that may not be the helpful answer you were hoping for. Good luck in 2015!
