Monday 26 January 2015

Winning and Loving Fun In The Ring!

Hi all! Yesterday, Earl and I headed to another agility competition. Dog Vegas! We thoroughly enjoyed it as we always do, and came home with some fantastic results once again.

We came 1st winning our first class of the day - Graded 5(-7) Jumping!! This was a VERY twisty turn-y course, and many people struggled! We managed to get through and win the class in the quickest time with the least faults! In fact Earl was flawless bless him.

We also did well in the Money Agility Graded 5(-7) Class, we came in 4th place, with a clear round and a truly speedy time! Earl THRIVED on this this course, as it flowed lovely and he could chase me!

There were about 15-20 dogs in these so very successful classes!!

Its all so FUN FUN FUN!! There is never a dull moment competing for us!