Monday 17 August 2015

Doggy See, Doggy Do

Did you know, dogs copy behaviours exhibited by other dogs? Dogs learn from their canine peers very easily, meaning many people use their older dogs to help when training puppies/younger dogs. In fact, dogs can learn from other dogs even quicker than when a human teaches them.

3, 2, 1... TONGUES OUT!

As humans, we can regularly evaluate the actions of our fellow humans and decide whether or not to copy them, based on our knowledge of positive and negative choices. Our dogs, however, copy both positive AND negative behaviours from other dogs, meaning other dogs can both help to teach them the right things to do, and bad habits.

For example, Earl has taught Ethel to walk nicely on a lead. When I walk them at my side together, Ethel never pulls. She sticks by Earl's side and walks just as nicely as he does. Yes, I have taught her to walk nicely on the lead on her own, but when she was with Earl, she made this breakthrough. Also, Earl has taught Ethel to bark at the window at guests and intriguing passers by. This could be seen as both a positive and negative thing, but all the same, this is a behaviour she has learnt from Earl, another dog, alone.

Has your dog ever been taught a behaviour by another dog?

We're joining our hosts Snoopy's Dogblog, Alfie's Blog and My Brown Newfies in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. Dogs are just amazing! At work, we have a lot of new puppies and it's so fun to watch the older dogs teach the puppies the ways of doggie daycare! :)

    1. They are, I agree! Aw, I can imagine how lovely to watch that is!

  2. I don't have another dog so.... But when other dogs bark at agility Poppy barks along with them!

  3. All the time!!! Unfortunately, it seems that Arty (our youngest) has selected to learn all of our older dogs bad habits....along with a few good ones :-)!

    1. Typical, but it still shows the 'doggy see, doggy do' behaviour!

  4. This is so interesting. I give a lot of credit to my parent's dog Lucy for helping Haley to settle down when she was a young, overly excitable pup. Haley would go into their house all full of herself and kind of cocky but Lucy would growl and put her into her place and Haley would settle right down and relax. Dogs do teach each other better than we can sometimes.

    1. Bless them. Ethel needs Earl to put her in her place sometimes, too. She sometimes pushes it with him.

  5. You got that right. Lily is showing me all the bad stuff to do BOL
    Lily & Edward

  6. OMD, love this picture with your tongue hanging out! So sweet!!! :)

    1. Haha, I took that at just the right time!

  7. Yes! One time we were at a pet store and Mr. N saw another dog doing a sit pretty for a treat so he went over and did the same thing too. I had not taught it to him...

    1. Bless him! How clever! Anything for food, right?

  8. Mom says sometimes Stanley teaches me bad things! I'm trying to teach Stanley good things though.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. I would never copy from another dog; nooo, never ever would I do that... ;)

    Look at that lovely photo of you two!

    Jasper x

  10. Katie and I taught Bailie the down command. We all lined up in a row and Mom said down with her hand signal as well. Katie and I did it a couple times, and all of the sudden Bailie followed. She had the best down in her obedience class!

  11. I agree, they definitely learn both the positive and the negative from other pups. Rita learned to box when she plays from her BFF, a boxer. It's very cute. Until the punches me in the face when we are rough housing! :)

  12. They are too cute! Yep! I did know that! I use Zoe to teach stuff to Phoenix all the time. We also did it with previous dogs. :D

  13. Ditto times five! And when dog gets out of line, they will be set right. Usually by Sera, the pack leader.

    1. I agree this can happen in the dog world. A dog scolding a dog!

  14. No wonder my person always tells me I'm misbehaving. All I've had is cats to learn from and they're always up to no good.

  15. We are experiencing this daily as I am a well trained dog (uh uhm) but Taffy isn't so she is learning from me all the time. I think. Love Dolly

  16. Yes, mine have learned many things from the older dogs--good and bad!

  17. Zachary (older) has definitely picked up on on several tricks I taught Henry (younger). Alas, it doesn't seem to go in reverse. :)

    1. Ah, I see! I guess the younger dog generally learns from the older dog.

  18. Me and Finley has taught each udder lotsa stuffs.

  19. I've heard that too and I'm so glad that it worked for you :o) we sadly failed... we thought Easy will walk next to an older Weim-girl and he stopps pulling on the leash...the result was that both dogs turned into tractors and we all pondered about a visit at the chiropractor after our walk. Maybe it needs more time together than only a short meeting for a walk?

  20. My little dog Phoebe seems to have learned a lot from our Husky, but it looks like mostly the bad habits LOL?
    Love & Biscuits
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  21. Storm tried to teach freighter to bark at odd noises and strange people. Sometimes he does, but more and more I think he is finding it too much effort for little satisfaction. Thunder never barks. They should all learn from him!
