Thursday 20 August 2015

Our Doggy Nail Trimming Secrets

Ah, how I hate black nails on dogs! You can't see the quick, and every time you cut them you're at risk of making them bleed. And when you make them bleed, the dog decides he no longer likes the nail-trimming process, making it as hard and stressful for you to get the job done.

My mum has made Earl's bleed before, meaning he always puts up a fight about having them done (I don't blame him, though). He will struggle, he will wrestle with us... all with the most willpower in the world. When he puts up a fight, it's hard to control. So now, we wrap him up in a towel and hold him tight while we trim his nails. It may be a bit of a weird-sounding solution, but all the same, it works wonders!

But of course, our greatest method for happy nail trimming for Earl is rewarding a good, calm session with some delicious food! He always appreciates being compensated for all his hard work! Even Ethel always gets a treat at the end of the session, and she's better with the whole process; all dogs deserve a reward for all good behaviour! Plus, this helps them look forward to the next session and associate nail trimming with treats! It can easily be a win-win situation!

Om nom nom! Chomping on a reward!

What are your doggy nail trimming secrets?

We're joining our hosts Ruckus The Eskie, Love Is Being Owned By A Husky! and Barking From The Bayou in the Thoughtless Thursday Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. I'll snuggle in a blankie fur a treat !!!!!
    I gets my nails done by 'My Lady' when I haf my Spa Days...well its what us Princess's expect, hehe!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Hey whatever works! I am sure the treats make it worth it.

    1. It does work! And with this method, we can get one paw out at a time without being thrashed by the others!

  3. Poppy has white nails so it's a lot easier to see the quick :) She had hers done at the vets once and she fidgeted a bit and the vet made it bleed! I file them instead if clip them when I do them.

  4. Her nails are quite short anyway so filing is so much easier for her to maintain the length, but she gets them clipped at the vets once a year as well as this.

  5. I don't think the towel wrapping trick would work on a bigger dog. We pay the big bucks (extortion, really) to have them trimmed elsewhere. That began when Toby learned to rest his chin firmly on top of the paw being clipped. It takes at least four hands to trim his nails. It's a real moneysaver that you found a way to trim Earl and Ethel yourself.

  6. Treats make everything better!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  7. Millie doesn't have her nails trimmed! I know black ones are horrible though from when I do the guinea pigs! Good girl and boy for not making too much of a fuss!

    1. Really? Do they not grow long? Border Terriers are supposed to grow longer however, for digging.

  8. I let mom do everything to me
    Lily (& Edward)

  9. What a trooper! Maggie is the only one we have trouble with when it comes to nails. What a workout we go through!! lol

  10. We use a grinder at our house and it has worked well. But the cheap grinders just vibrate too much.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Pee Ess - Make sure you follow the BAR blog. Even if you cannot attend you can view the photos and videos from the actual event in June!

    1. Glad you found something that works for you!

  11. We do the same thing with the dogs (when they are pups). Eventually they just accept that I'm going to do it no matter how hard they fight. Sometimes I have someone stand there with a spoon full of peanut butter as I grind their nails. :-)

    1. Haha! The spoon full of peanut butter sounds like a good one!

  12. My secret with Bentley's super thick nails is to take him to the vet and get them trimmed. I am a chicken after making him yelp one time. BOL!

    1. We sometimes feel like that, too!

    2. We're lucky. We run off our nails, so they stay pretty short without trimming. Sounds like you found a good solution.

    3. We do lots of running, too, but Borders nails grow longer, faster.

  13. I have only one dog who fights nail clippers. Thanks for the towel tip. I'm not sure why i didn't think of it so thanks.

    1. No problem! It keeps a grip on the dog and allows each paw out at a time to avoid struggling.

  14. That's good you found a way to get it done. My dogs don't like it either. I try to do counter conditioning to paw handling and they are mostly okay and stand there for me but I can tell they still don't like it. :(

  15. I couldn't touch Nola's nails without her flipping out for the longest time. Flailing around, whining, panting, the whole shebang. I counter conditioned her to it and now I can just stand her on the table and grind her nails. Everyone else will sleep through it. Couldn't live without the nail grinder!

    1. Everyone seems to like nail grinders; we should give one a go!

  16. Luckily, my guys wear them down naturally most of the time. I only have to trim Maggie's dew claw every once in awhile and she's a perfect lady for it.

    1. You'd have thought mine would, too, but their nails grow quick!

  17. PetSmart grinds Molly's nails and the pavement wears mine down. No more clippers for me, Mitch. yahoooo You deserve 87 treats for that, Earl!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

    1. Sounds like you have a good way to get yours' done.

  18. our recipe to nail the nail-challenge is easy: the vet has the pleasure :o)

  19. Bailie lets Mom trim anytime, she doesn't mind, and Katie is pretty good too, but I'm a bit more difficult. I just usually get my nails done when I'm at the spa.

    1. Good idea. I guess all dogs are different and react differently to things!

  20. great tip, we use the "burrito" technique at work for many things
