Friday 28 August 2015

Teaching Weaves On The Right

With agility weave poles, you generally start teaching your dog with your dog on your left, and you handling on the right of your dog. Once this has been mastered, however, you have to then teach your dog to weave with your dog on the right hand side of you. For your dog, this can be quite a challenge. Imagine you'd never driven a French/American car in France/America, when you were used to driving in the UK (or vice versa). Now imagine having to drive said car in said place for the first time; it would really throw you! The same goes for our dogs and the weaves. Teaching weaves on the opposite side to normal is like starting from scratch. It may be a little easier because your dog already knows the weaving action, however, send your dog into the weaves on your right hand side and I guarantee it'll be like he's never done them before in his life!

But of course, at competition, you really do have to be prepared to handle your dog on both sides. You could (and do!) easily find yourself in the wrong place, so it's important you know how to handle on both sides. Not only for emergency situations, but for ease of getting round the course and into the correct places to guide your dog over the next piece of equipment.

Here is a video of Ethel doing a set of 12 weaves on the right hand side of me. She picked it up quite quickly once I put her back on the lead. Once she was confident weaving loosely on the lead on this side, I let her off the lead, and this is our final result. I'm really pleased with her brilliant progress!

Something you really need to be prepared for in competition is the unexpected! Yes, you are able to walk the course beforehand, but your dog may be faster or tighter than you expected him to be, thus meaning you're stuck on the side you didn't plan to take. Or, of course, he could be slower or wider, meaning you have enough time to manoeuvre into a better position. Keep your options open, and you're bound to find it so much easier on the course.

We're joining our hosts SlimDoggy, To Do With Love and My GBGV Life in the FitDog Friday Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. I think I would be the one having a tough time changing The dogs would probably be just fine! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Wow Ethel look at you go!!! Gosh you are sooo nimble sweetie!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. You both did quite well. I think it's wise to have them know both ways, you never know which way a course will be set up!

    1. Thanks. I agree. Courses can be challenging!

  4. Looking good! With the 2 x 2 training we do, we start with weaves on the right, but then quickly do both sides. Looks like yours are coming along great!

    1. Thanks! Ah, I see. There are so many different methods!

  5. She did great - weaves are one of our favorite agility activities.

    1. Thanks! The weaves are incredibly impressive.

  6. Ethel looks like an agility pro already!

  7. That looks like fun, mom has been teaching me the weave when we go to nose work so now she know how to do it right! Love Dolly

    1. Hehe! It is fun! Good luck with your weaving!

  8. Is there a reason you can't teach it from the "right" side first? Sounds confusing!

    1. Nope, you can, but most agility people teach it on the left first. No particular reason! Really, my post goes for either side, whichever one you train last!

  9. Brilliant job, Ethel!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  10. Agility is SO exciting!! I really wish I had started Chloe out with that when she was just a puppy! Great Job Ethel!!

  11. Ethel that was a pleasure to watch you! I hope we can see the agiloty group at the next show, that's always worth to see this fabulous guys in action :o) but I bet they look not as great as you :o)

  12. She looks great! When Barley was learning to weave we did both sides at once--our trainer would have the whole class go through with dogs on our left and then line up on the other end and we'd turn around and send them back through on our right. :)

  13. Awesome job!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  14. Very nice job, Ethel! We've never really done Agility with the pups, but I did find a used Agility weave pole set at a Thrift Store and set it up a few times when the weather was bad and we couldn't be outside as much. The pups maneuvered through the poles, but were nowhere near enthusiastic about it as Ethel in the video you shared!!

  15. Well, she certainly aced that! I found the weave poles very difficult to train the dogs to do, and kind of gave up for now!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Haha, ah, thanks! Oh, I see. Well, keep going!

  16. My dog doesn't seem to get the weaving no matter which side LOL!
    Love & Biscuits
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
