Saturday 1 August 2015

Pinch Punch Post - August 2015

August is a lovely month, because it's the month we spend on our summer holidays. And this August, like most Augusts, we've been - and are still on - our family summer holiday away. We're currently in Devon, as you will know, and have even competed in an agility show here (results on that soon to come). During the rest of this month, we'll be completing our family summer holiday in Devon, and returning home in time for a lovely long agility competition in our home area (or there about). August is also the month where the summer begins to fade... and you may begin noticing leaves turning brown on your breezy dog walks. Although we're still very much in summer, autumn is soon to come.

July has also been a good month; more competitions, and breaking up for the six weeks summer holidays. Maybe we haven't been as busy as usual, but sometimes it's nice to just sit back and wind down after some seriously busy times. I can tell you now, we did have a busy June!

We hope you all have a brilliant month ahead - August 2015 everyone! What are your August plans?

We at Earl's World! are delighted to be hosting our own Pinch Punch Post Blog Hop, a fun monthly hop, alongside our cohosts My Dog Diaries and My Mutt Riley. We send many thanks to our lovely cohosts, and please join in with us below - you have 20 whole days!

get the InLinkz code


  1. This August Riley and I will be brushing up on our puppy foundation. Have an awesome holiday!

  2. Enjoy August, I'm going to be busy playing with puppies.

  3. Ello for yoo Earl my pal....I haz my tale between I legs coz I not been bloggin much wot wiv werk an olidays an wotnot...i pollygize da i dint be seein yoo nominatin me fur da blog post fingy......we get on it dis week...agane, furry sorry....goods to see you agane do

    1. Hi again Marley! We're glad to see you again!

  4. We don't have too many plans cuz it is so hot we are sweating under our armpits!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Pee Ess - Watch for the announcement on Wednesday of new details of the 2016 Retreat!

    1. It's cooled down a bit for us here now. We hope the heat stops for you soon, too.

  5. Have a great August!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  6. Hi Y'all!

    Looking forward to hearing more about your holiday!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Hi Hawk! We're back, and we'll be updating soon!

  7. Wow, you've been busy! Glad to hear you're having fun!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  8. we hope for some sunny days in august, before fall walks in... it's my favorite season and I can't wait to see all that colored leaves :o) have a super summer howl-i-day!
    easy rider

  9. We are definitely ready for cooler weather and fall around here.

  10. Hope you've had a good holiday! Think I'm leaving before you three get back but hopefully will be able to catch up on you lot whilst I'm away!

    1. Thanks, we have! Have a good trip yourself, and we'll catch up again soon!
