Monday 13 July 2015

Consistency Is Key, Consistency Is Earl

This past weekend, both days, Earl and I competed again at another Agility Nuts show. I, once again, am a very proud doggy mum! We went all weekend with clear run after clear run; not a paw or hand wrong on either of our parts. In this, we got a 3rd place, two 4th places, a 5th place, and four 6th places! Some classes ranged from 15 to 20 competitors! We also moved up some places in the overall league, even though we're not doing enough this series to be seriously hoping to win.

After all, consistency is key to success in all aspects of life, which is something that we as a pair do incredibly well on when it comes to competing and training. I'm always proud of us both. Earl tries his upmost every single competition, and achieves so much on a continuous basis.

We're joining our hosts Snoopy's Dogblog, Alfie's Blog and My Brown Newfies in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. You must have 87 medals
    Lily & Edward

  2. All those ribbons...fantastic, Earl! :)

  3. I'm pretty consistent in my sports too, Bailie is all over the map.

    1. Ethel is more like Bailie at the moment, but we're working on it and she's coming along brilliantly!

  4. Wow, Earl! Congratulations. Keep it up and keep it consistent!

  5. Wow, look at those ribbons! You are a star! Congrats!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. I know, more and more lovely ribbons! Thanks!

  6. Good work Earl! Love Dolly

  7. Ahh, yes-Consistency is key. You are doing great Early! Love that you are doing so great with agility!

  8. Congratulations! Look at all those ribbons...great job!
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets
