Tuesday 21 July 2015

Earl's Home Groom

Having recently got a grooming table, plus all the necessary grooming supplies, I was ready to give Earl a hand strip. His hair was growing long again, so on Saturday I took the plunge and hand stripped Earl myself at home for the very first time; for my first ever hand strip, he looks brilliant! I'm ever so proud of the result I got out of this home groom! He was such a good boy throughout, sitting still and just allowing me to pluck away. He was enjoying the experience... and attention!

Now, is hand stripping a Border Terrier easy, or challenging? Here, I'll give you a couple of simple tips to ensure your grooming goes successfully. Your dog wouldn't appreciate a bald patch, would he?

Here, you can see that one shoulder has been stripped more than the other side (right hand side) and the other shoulder hasn't yet been done at all. One pointer for you to follow is to always start stripping from one place down. I always like to start at the shoulders, work down the back, then do the back legs, then the neck, then the chest, face, front legs and undercarriage. I trim the beard and feet at the end. I also clean the eyes and ears at the end, plus trim the nails if need be.

Another pointer I would give is to always be as gentle as possible with your dog, whilst not being scared to give this dead hair a good tug out. The dead hair should come out easily, especially if you apply the chalk block beforehand. This caused no pain for the dog; there are many people who believe hand stripping a dog causes pain, but it doesn't at all. Earl seemed to really be enjoying the experience! Also, always reassure your dog. Some dogs find being on the grooming table a weird experience, and attempt to get down. Talk to and stroke your dog to make him feel happier. He will soon get used to the idea.

For my first ever hand strip, I think this groom went amazingly well! I'm almost wordless with awe at how smart he now looks! Looking all smart for his holidays. Maybe there's dog grooming in my future? Who knows? All I know is that it will definitely be something heavily involving dogs!


  1. Replies
    1. Glad you found this helpful! He was a good boy, as always!

  2. Our neighbors strip their Border Terrier too
    What a good boy
    Lily & Edward

    1. Stripping is what you're supposed to do to a Border, in order for a healthy coat.

  3. You did an AMAZING job! He looks awesome!

  4. I get hand stripped at home all the time, but I go to the groomer every few months to get it really stripped. Mom gets sick of it and so do I as it takes so long, so it goes much better with the spa lady!

    1. It took me 3 whole hours to complete Earl's strip! I'll need to perfect my technique and start stripping faster.

  5. Earl looks wonderful and very comfy on the grooming table!

    1. Thanks! He loved the table! He also had a lovely view of the entire garden!

  6. Just wanted you to know we stopped by. Mom's arm is so sore after a shot today that she finds it hard to type.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Ah, ok guys. Thanks for stopping by, and we hope your mum's arm feels better very soon!

  7. I've been gettin hand-stripped by my momma since I wuz a baby. Earl are lookin good!

  8. There's nothing better looking than a freshly striped terrier!

  9. Earl looks fabulous, that's so great that you can do it at home, so you haven't to look for a groomer. We always had to visit a groomer and I remember the time as we picked just the first one of the yellow pages and the foxterrier ended with a poodle-cut :o)
    easy rider

    1. Thanks, we're so glad you think so! We have a groomer, but she's very far away from us, and it takes a lot of time to travel there. But on the bright side, when we did visit her, she's Earl's breeder, so we have a friendship there. Oh, and what a funny occurrence! I bet that was such a shock!

  10. You look most handsome, Earl! Your mom did a super-duper job!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. Oh wow, a grooming table - how wonderful! Earl looks great, very professional job!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. The table makes the job so much easier. And thanks!

  12. you look very handsome, great job
