Sunday 2 June 2013

The training ways and pub pics!

We had our agility class today, and it was great! 

Earl was very fast and enjoyed himself a lot, however, in the display obedience part, he planted his feet and wouldn't budge then he sat down on his little bottom and I had to pull him gently on... We think he needed to itch himself so decided to be stubborn and do it then! It was all practice for the display next Saturday - I like to think that every hiccup is a wonderful opportunity for training and stopping the unwanted and starting the wanted, or continuing the wanted. If everything just went perfect all the time, it would not be as interesting as working for the good. That is why it is called training; it's all about training the dogs up, not having to do everything with no faults - it's no competition - we are lucky we can go training! And if everything goes perfectly, that's very nice, and an added bonus! 

We are also at the pub as I speak! I downloaded the free Blogger app for mobile devices and now I am using it! 

Here are some pictures that I have just taken of Earl at the pub, enjoying himself and living a life of leisure, not to mention continuing being the total sun worshipper he is!! Here we go...: 

First picture - TONGUE OUT DOG!!!!!


The pub we are at is outdoor dog friendly, and offer fresh water bowls outside for dogs all the time, especially in hot/warm/mild weather, because we know our dogs can get hot with all that fur... Luckily Earl got stripped! 

You might be surprised at how many doggy customers there are at this pub! There's nothing like a dog friendly place - the staff will find so much more custom if they just let dogs and their owners in!!

The dog water bowl at the outdoor dog friendly pub.

Hope you enjoyed our entry and pictures!

P.S. You might have already noticed, but the Blogger app makes photos and pictures added to the blog larger. Don't be stunned or confused when you see large then small photos on posts!


Earl and I.


  1. Earl looks very comfortable at the pub...Lucky dog

  2. That's lovely to see that the pub lets in dogs - I love it when you can take your dog with you (I always feel mean leaving Daisy at home). Hope Earl had a long, well-earned drink! :-)
