Saturday 1 June 2013

Earl gets stripped the nice way!

Well today is the day - this morning, Earl was stripped by his breeder of all that loose, unwanted fur. 

He looks really smart!

We also got to meet his 4 month old adorable little sister Fern, and other dog, 5 1/2 month old Chihuahua Daisy. 

Here are the pictures I took:

Earl being stripped:

The adorable Fern:

Cute little Daisy:

Fern and Daisy:

Earl, the finished result!:

So, my boy went from THIS:

To now THIS:

WHAT a huge difference!

When we got home, I played with Earl in the garden, and I think he seemed to run faster, great for agility! Oh, and on cold days, that new coat of his can come to some use!

Hope you enjoyed reading about our day, and looking at all the great photos!!

Earl and I.


  1. Earl looks absolutely stunning! I much prefer his look once stripped! He looks stunning!

    Fern looks just like him when Earl was a pup - she is adorable!

    Daisy is lovely too!

    Jessica, Charlie Boy, Roman and Brooke xxxx

  2. Earl looks so handsome... And he was so calm while being stripped...I could never get Gizmo to stand so nicely
