Sunday 13 October 2013

Poll 5 - winning vote - opening to poll 6

Poll 5's question posed was: Do you think it is a good idea to get dogs neutered?

Our winning vote was: No (66%)

So here we go.

Neutering dogs

Neutering is an operation where a male dog's testicles are removed, and both a bitch's ovaries and uterus are surgically removed. After the operation, canine's usually wear a 'cone collar' (this goes by other names as well) to prevent them accessing the now delicate  area.

What are the risks of neutering?

Neutering can have some side effects on our doggie pals, and can sometimes increase the  risk of cancer in some dogs. It obviously removes the risk of testicular cancer however because you can't develop cancer in a body part you no longer have!

More on neutering...

Your vet knows a lot about your dog's medical history and current health. He or she will advise you on neutering and tell you whether it would be a good idea or not. Neutering cannot just go ahead, it has to be carefully thought about first, like most things we do does. Sometimes tablets are prescribed by a vet to help your canine along the way if he suffers from the neutering op or displays side effects from the operation.

What should you do?

Speak to your vet and ask ask ASK! Also, use common sense to assess your own dog and do your research. Always consider personal matters and your personal dog, and don't JUST go off other cases as all dogs are different and will react differently!

The other votes were:

Yes (1 (33 %))
I don't know (0 (0%))

Well done and thank you for voting! If you voted, you managed to get your opinion out there to the world of what you think should be in place in the dog world! Your making one of those minor differences that counts.

Our Poll 6 will be opening NOW! It will have 2 weeks as usual until it closes and information will be given after the closing date. Remember to share what you think should be in place in the dog world!

Our Poll 6 is on the subject of doggie activities. The question posed is: 'What dog activity do you think is the best, for beneficial reasons and beyond?'

Let's get voting! Thanks.


Earl and I.

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