Saturday 26 October 2013

The Saturday Pet Blogger Hop - Funny positions

Earl does some great funny positions, and Saturday seems like the perfect day to show their photos!

The miminking-a-human-in-a-chair position:

The completely-cool-traveller position:

The on-a-real-roll position:

The totally-normal-bed-stretch position:

The I'm-a-little-tired-out-but-still-wanna-play position:

The not-sure-which-way-to-go position:

The really-a-frog position:

The tucked-away-dawg position:

The just-lying-there position:

The fat-face position:

The eyeful-are-you-sure-its-not-my-go-yet position:

Hope everyone has a happy Saturday and these photos have helped to make it more laughable!

Earl and I.

We hopped off Life With Dogs


  1. I recognize some of these Earl...Hope your KC is gone and you're feeling great

    1. Today was the first day Earl played without coughing! He had a huge run around and then crashed happily afterwards like his normal self, bless. Very glad he seems to have recovered :)

  2. "Just lying there" made me bust up laughing for some reason. Great positions!
