Tuesday 9 June 2015

Another Liebster Award!

I would like to give a huge shout out and enormous thanks to our good pals over at My Mutt Riley, for recently passing the Liebster Award onto us - another lovely Liebster for our collection! So, here we go, we our online award ceremony here on the blog...

Here are the rules that come with this award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
2. Give readers 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Answer 11 questions from the blog of the person who nominated you.
4. Nominate 5 - 11 bloggers for this award (those with fewer than 200 followers is recommended).
5. Come up with 11 questions for your nominees.
6. List three rules in the post, along with said nominees and the questions you wish them to answer.
7. Last but not least, notify your nominees.
8. And of course, have fun!

So, firstly, here are 11 random facts about me:

1. My strongest subject in school is English.
2. I currently have a book on the go.
3. My joint favourite colours are blue and red.
4. I have only been abroad once - to California, America.
5. I am more of a home bird, unless the event is dog related. Friends... are reserved for school.
6. I know more about computers and technology than my parents.
7. I am a sporty person.
8. I am not scared of spiders.
9. I am not a makeup and hair kind of girl.
10. My favourite outfit is jogging bottoms, a casual t-shirt and trainers.
11. I used to be horse mad.

And now for the 11 questions, posed by Frada at MMR.

1. What keeps your dog most entertained?
A good, stuffed Kong to last.

2. Does your dog like grooming?
Earl enjoys grooming more than Ethel, who is still getting used to the process.

3. Would you rather go for a morning walk or evening?
Hmmm. This is a tough one. I'd say morning walk, because of the fresh atmosphere.

4. What is the most embarrassing thing your dog has ever done?
Earl is a good boy, but Ethel once stole a donut off a visiting friend's plate.

5. Do you compete in any activities with your dog and if not would you?
Yes, I compete in agility with Earl, at Grade 5 Kennel Club level, and Ethel is coming up.

6. Does your dog like water/swimming?
Earl despises it, and steps carefully around the smallest of puddles, but Ethel is a bit more robust.

7. Has your dog ever won any prizes?
Gosh, yes! I have over 100 prizes, and Ethel has hardly began her career yet!

8. Why did you name your dog what you did?
Earl and Ethel have old names, because Borders have an old and rustic look! Earl is also a regal name, and Earl is the most regal looking dog you could ever see. Sat there, head held higher than the highest mountain on earth and beyond.

9. What do you like most about blogging?
The chance to write about your passion, and join a wonderful community of fellows.

10. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
It has to be bubblegum. Mint choc chip soon follows.

11. Does your dog have a special habit or thing about them?
Well... Earl will just do anything for me, whatever it is, and Ethel is a mental pup. Haha!

Now, here are the blogs I nominate for this award:

- Browndogcbr
- Sand Spring Chesapeakes
- Easy Blog
- Dory's Backyard
- Dakota's Den
- Spencer The Goldendoodle
- Bichonpawz

There are SO many amazing blogs I love. I would like to say THANK YOU to all of these blogs and all the others I read so frequently. You all make me smile. I would like to say an especial good luck to our first nominee, Browndogcbr. Hawk has moved to a new blog, and we wish them good luck in completing their venture.

Be sure to grab the award at the top of the page, you lucky nominees!

Now, here are my 11 questions for you, my nominees, to answer in your own award posts:

1. What is your dog's favourite pastime?
2. Apart from dogs and blogging, what is your favourite thing to do?
3. What genre of music do you prefer?
4. What food do you feed your dog?
5. Do you actively use social media?
6. What is your pet peeve in life?
7. Do you prefer nights out or home snuggling with your dog?
8. Do you run with your dog?
9. Is your dog an exercise lover, or a sleepy kind?
10. What is your favourite thing to eat for breakfast?
11. Have you ever attended a dog show?

If you are a dog blogging, then please feel free to adapt these questions so that you, as the dog, can answer them yourself!

I hope you all, my beloved nominees, accept this award with open paws, and post your own 'award ceremony' on your blog. I will be looking forward to reading them!


  1. What great questions and answers! We love that you stole a donut right off of a peep's plate, Ethel! Nice goin'!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  2. Thanks so much for the nomination!!! We are headed out of town for awhile, but will accept it when we get back!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    1. No problem!!! And ok, that's perfectly fine, we will see you when you get back!

  3. Hi Y'all!

    My Human's been hoggin' the 'puter all day. They had meetin's.

    I want to say congrats on the Leibster award and thanks so much for includin' me and givin' that nice "shout out" about my blog move. It's really, really appreciated.

    Y'all come on back,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Ah, I see. Thanks, and no problem! Hope you and your human have been getting on well with the new site.

  4. I am right there with you on the Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. :) Congrats on your award.

    1. Hahahaha, oh yes, I LOVE mint choc chip SOOO much!!! And thanks!

  5. Congrats on your fabulous award and thank you so much for passing it on to me, I will proudly display it on my blog awards page. I really enjoyed getting to know you! So you've been to America, I went to England once, loved it!

    1. Thanks so much, and no problem! Much deserved, as are the other nominees! Yes, America was amazing, I loved it there! Hehehe!

  6. Congrats and many thanks for nominating moi :o) My momma is the walking spider-phobia, even a small thingy let her scream like a banshee :o)

    1. No problem! Many people are afraid of spiders, I have to say.

  7. I didn't know you used to like horses!
