Friday 12 June 2015

Tips For Exercising Your Dog In The Heat

Just as it is for us, exercising in the heat is extra tiring for dogs. Over egging it with your dog in the heat can also pose serious health risks - it could even kill your dog. Too much running and jumping around in the heat could cause heatstroke in your beloved pet, causing bodily breakdown and sudden collapse. It's an incredibly serious matter, so it's important that you know what to do to keep your dog safe, whilst keeping fit.

To avoid devastation and suffering, you must be aware that too much high energy exercise can be fatal to your dog in hot weather. Even when you would least expect it, dogs can become way too hot. There are many ways, however, that you can prevent your dog becoming too hot whilst keeping fit outdoors.

- Keep a bowl of fresh, clean, cool water available for your dog at all times, however, don't let your dog drink too much before or after exercise, as this could make him sick.

- Wake up earlier on hot days to walk your dog early in the morning. It's cooler at this time. Then, give your dog another walk in the evening, as the same is true.

- Invest in a cooling product for your dog, such as the Cooling Coat. Many dogs will happily exercise whilst wearing one. You can see our review and how-to of our own cooling coat last year, HERE! You could also invest in a cooling pad/mat for your dog to chill out on.

- Don't make your dog wear a tight headcollar whilst walking in the heat, as this will restrict his abilities to pant and drink, two vital ways for dogs to keep cool. Muzzles are the same - if necessary for your dog, always put your dog in a muzzle which will allow him to pant and drink. Also remember that dogs sweat from their paws.

- If your dog decides enough is enough, he should stop by himself. ALWAYS leave him to do what he feels is right at this time, never push him onwards. Some dogs however, will just keep going and going, so make the sensible and wise decision for him.

- If you're taking your dog in the car anywhere, to a show, for a walk, or anywhere else at all, NEVER EVER EVER leave him in the car! Even if it's just warm, cars heat up live deadly ovens.

- The main thing is not to push your dog in the heat when it comes to exercise, or anything else for that matter. It poses fatal risks.

PLEASE keep your dogs safe in the heat, especially when carrying out your normal exercise. There may be a few minor adjustments you have to make in the heat, but it's all for your dog's huge benefit, and trust me, is absolutely essential.

You can see our post from yesterday HERE, with an infographic on how to keep your dog generally cool in the heat.

We're joining our hosts, SlimDoggy, To Dog With Love and My GBGV Life, for the Fitdog Friday Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. We take it very slow in the summer. We Frenchies overheat very easily
    Lily & Edward

  2. Heat is dangerous. Luckily, year round we do our biggest exercise real early in the morning. In the summer we play chase a lot in the evening in the yard and just snooze during the hottest part of the day. Many years ago, Mom's cousin had a dog who died of overheating. A roommate took her out for a long run in the heat and it killed her. So sad..

    1. We agree with you, Emma, and it sounds like you have the right idea. Such a truly sad story.

  3. Great tips Earl, thanks for sharing. Hope everyone has a safe summer!

    1. Thanks, and no problem. We also hope everyone stays safe this summer.

  4. Thanks for these tips. Super important as pugs heat up quickly and can have trouble breathing. Kilo hates jackets, but I have been thinking about a cooling pad for him to relax on (now he cools down lying like a frog on the kitchen floor). I always have water for him and try not to overstretch him. Have a great weekend. X Susie and Kilo

    1. No problem, and I see. I forgot to mention them, mine have a cooling pad too!

  5. These are awesome tips. With the heat and humidity in bayou country, it has to be early morning or evening before we can get outside. Of course, then there are the mosquitos. We do a lot of playing indoors these days.

  6. Great tips and a great reminder! We have a wonderful cooling bed on our back deck... the Chillspot!

  7. I just bought Mr. N a cooling pad and if he plops down in the grass, that's generally my hint to carry him home.

  8. Great post, Earl! Summer is fun but we all have to stay safe in the heat!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. Great post and I really like the infographic!

  10. Another great, helpful article, well done!

  11. we walk in the early morning and in the evening... Easy is a little sad that we skipped his noon-patrol, but better safe than sorry, the street is as hot as glowing coals in summer :o)
    easy rider

  12. These are really great tips. We have been thinking about a cooling coat or cooling pad. I realize that I just need to be flexible and call it enough if I start to see they are too hot. I also like hiking in the woods on hot days where the shade keeps it 10-15 degrees cooler.

  13. Great tips Earl. We always have to be careful in the heat. Not worth hurting a dog over the heat.

  14. Great tips pal!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. Excellent tips. We have crates in our cars which allow us to open doors up wide. We also have a thermometer in each car so we can keep track of how warm it gets. Also we make sure to have shade and fans.
