Wednesday 3 June 2015

Ethel's New Hairdo

You all know how hairy my young Ethel was. Well, she finally had her first ever hand strip, and looks so different! After being 'blown' (a grooming term for incredibly hairy) for a long while, it must have been a relief for her to finally rid of all that excess coat. She can now proudly parade around, sporting her brand new hairdo!

Full body view

You can just see how lean and muscly she already is. She is one in shape pup!

No less adorable!

She was such a good girl there, too. Well behaved all the way through the procedure, surprising us all with her calmness! Our groomer agreed at how adorable she is! I am once again incredibly proud of my sweet little sausage girl!

And, just for those who have the opinion that hand stripping dogs is painful to them and cruel, please stop. Stripping wire coated dogs, such as terriers, is the only way to remove their excess coat when needed and therefore keep their coat and skin in good condition. Shaving/clipping the coat ruins the natural coat, and this is very hard to get back. Stripping is painless to the dog, and the dogs feel so much better afterwards. This is the equivalent to clipping a Poodle - painless, positive and necessary.


  1. Looking good Ethel! I'm not familiar with the stripping process (that sounds bad, doesn't it, lol), do they use a fine comb or special tool? Isn't it amazing how much thinner a dog looks after losing that extra hair?

    1. Thanks! Hahahahahaha, oh gosh. Some use a stripping knife, but some just use their own fingers. I agree!

  2. Beautiful little Ethel! And well behaved too!
    Wags and Woofs from Imogen and Millie

  3. You look absolutely beautiful, Ethel!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. We always lose like half our weight when our coats get stripped. We look and feel so much better too. If we were wild dogs out in the under brush hunting, nature would be stripping our coats.

  5. Now you really look likes stuffie
    Lily & Edward

  6. I love the look of a striped dog! I strip Olivia (my wire dachshund) without a fuss.

  7. Looking wonderful Ethel!!!
    Dory Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  8. Lookin good Ethel! I get stripped too, never been clipped at all.

  9. you look fabulous, Ethel... I think I send my momma to your groomer too... she needs a new haircut, even when she never looks as good as you :o)
    easy rider

  10. Ethel you are really beautiful!!! Luffs your new fur coat!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. She looks lovely. I'm sure she feels cooler.

  12. You definitely look great!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. She really looks great (and so different). I think it is the term stripping that probably puts people off. I think when some of these terms were invented they should have thought how they would sound in a PC world. :)

  14. Personally, we think Ethel looks AWESOME!!! So cute!! Don't even worry about what the other people doesn't matter.
    xo Chloe and LadyBug
