Monday 6 October 2014

Monday Mischief - One Ball is all you need for Utter Destruction

Bonjour, posh paws. No, really, I know, even if you're not the poshest of pooches here today, you'll love this post no matter what! In fact, those posh canines may even find this rather terrible of one muddy puppy looking for trouble out in the wet, autumnal yard…

Ok. So this isn't what it seems.

Yay, a cute little puppy playing happily with a much loved ball in a grassy garden…

But WAIT! Do not be fooled!!

There is more to be covered in the case of Ethel and the foam ball. 

Well, its all of our faults really, apart from Earl. And even HE, being the astonishingly smart Border Terrier he is, could have done something to help prevent what you're about to lay your eyes upon.

Ok, so for a puppy, this is destruction!! For a puppy who is so clever, and so innocent and cute as Ethel, this is destruction. Yes, I can hear you. 'Yeah yeah, seen much worse'. For my innocent little bundle, this is destruction.

Oh, and by the way, the ball was just about completely smooth and pretty like the Christmas Pudding its meant to look like. So its a fair deal of puppy chaos.

And of course, she had to leave traces behind, stating it that more obvious she did the deed. 

Today's discovery: Ethel enjoys foam!!

Mission accomplished. I rest my case.

Thank you.

We're delighted to be participating in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop very kindly hosted by Snoopy's Dogblog, Alfie's Blog, and My Brown Newfies - thanks again, guys!


Don't forget to join the October 2014 Pinch Punch Post with us!!


  1. So what's the problem, it looks like fun to me
    Lily & Edward

  2. That is so funny!! Good job, Ethel! You kill that ball!

  3. Hope she didn't eat the foam :)

  4. BOL! Silly Ethel! Just don't swallow that foam!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  5. LOL Ethel you little ball killer. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Dog gotta chew Effel my pal....dont let em spoyl yore funs....
