Saturday 4 October 2014

Sepia Saturday - Posting Regime Swap slightly - My Side, Your Side

Hey all! We're thrilled that its Saturday again today, and we have a new posting regime and a bit of a swap around to announce for you today.

You see, its Sepia Saturday, in which we cohost with Ruckus The Eskie (thanks pal!). And before, we have also been running an EW special occurrence on Saturday, Super Vid Sat With Sepia, in which we have decided to change to Super Vid Sunday With B&W! So this will occur alongside Black and White Sunday on Sundays, with videos of my two. This means I have have Saturday all for Sepia Saturday, in which we cohost. Cool! Tomorrow, we will be starting Super Vid Sunday With B&W! 

So today…

(Did you realise, today is the 2nd Saturday co-hosting this hop??)

Yep, that's right! Top doggy Earl declared an obvious separation between him and the pesky puppy seeming to steal his sofa. Well, its our sofa, and we decide who sits on it. 

He just wouldn't rest his head until we'd placed a plumped up towel in between the two, blocking all views and reminders. They'll play, but they're not quite at the cuddle stage yet - Earl just won't have that! Silly dog!

Ethel would enjoy a snuggle with Earl, nice and close - but Earl's grumpy attitude just wouldn't suffice.

You can see the look on Earl's face that he STILL isn't impressed!!


P.S. Don't forget to join the October 2014 Pinch Punch Post Blog Hop with us!

See y'all tomorrow for our first Super Vid Sunday With B&W! Thanks for stopping by today!!!


  1. Oh dear! We didn't realize you were cohosting! Our bad :( Well, Happy Sepia Saturday!! We love your picture!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

  2. So Ethel is a puppy. Hope you two get to be best friends.

  3. Aaaaaawwwww....Dory still doesn't like when Arty "touches her" while they are sleeping.... :-)

  4. Hi Y'all!

    Hey, Earl, I'm with you buddy. It's nice to have a playmate, but enough is enough!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Wonder if he would like to share a sofa with Pickles x

    1. We should try that - hard when there are no sofa's at Kim's or competitions though!! :-P x

  6. Sometimes it's hard to learn to share. :-)

  7. Congrats on the second week of your fab hop!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. Sharing is caring we say. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. The little one looks like she is sleeping so hard! I won't cuddle with my sister Bailie either, so I understand, Earl.

  10. These babies can be so annoying BOL.

  11. I don't blame ya Earl, I wasn't that eggcited wif Finley at first.

  12. We didn't realise you were co-hosting!

    Beautiful photo :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  13. Congrats on co-hosting! I missed that somehow. Mauja was the same way when Atka was younger. Enough is enough ;)

  14. I'm sure they'll be at the cuddle stage soon enough

  15. I haz simpafee Early my pal...i haz yeers of sufferin wiv a stooopid sisfur afore I went OTRB...

  16. Glad you made the change! Love the divider :) Happy Sepia Saturday!

    1. So are we :-) Thanks! You too, fellow hots! ;-D
