Wednesday 24 July 2013

2 Treats - 1 Day!

I bought Earl some Misfits today - the treats he oh so loves!

Plus, this morning, before we went out, Earl's new cushion bed came in the post! This is for the car and for in our tent when we go camping in only a few weeks! (Get excited, because there will be mountains of entry for you to climb after our holiday, about our holiday!)

Earl jumped on his bed as soon as he had sniffed it after I put it down on the floor!

He is lying down here, even though he looks like he is standing :P
He took his most favourite toy on it too, bless him! (We call it Raggy!)

It is lovely isn't it!

So, we have had another fun filled day full of special treats and happiness! :-*

For now,

Earl and I.

Earl says: 'For now, viewers!'

1 comment:

  1. Earl looks like he's enjoying it!

    Lots of licks,
    Jess xxx
