Sunday 28 July 2013

Winning vote - Poll 1 - Opening to - Poll 2

Our Poll 1 closed yesterday and altogether, we had 5 votes, including me. 

The vote with the most votes is...

To Vaccinate

Vaccinating is a simple process where a needle is injected into the scruff of the neck of your pet. This vaccine usually contains a small amount of an illness(s) to make sure your pet is protected from them. Most people vaccinate when their dog or pet is a pup, but some carry on into adulthood. 

Why Vaccinate?

Vaccinations take place to protect your pet from illnesses. Not all people want to vaccinate, and that is their own personal choice whether or not to - however, people are advised to vaccinate for their own pet's well-being.

More on Vaccinating...

Vaccinations are taken out by a vet or any other fully trained vaccine specialist. Some dogs dislike to process, and can be quite fiddling and noisy in distress, whilst others tolerate it and stay still and quiet. You will have to test your luck when you go and get your pet vaccinated! 

Vaccinations can go on for a specific period of time. Usually, they are take the time of a 30-day quarantine period, and dogs must be at least 90 days old at a time of first vaccination. Do check with a vet or specialist however on everything to do with your pet.

What should you do?

Do check with a vet or specialist however on everything to do with your pet. You vet may hand you a leaflet to make sure you want a vaccination programme to be carried out with your pet. You need to do all you can to promote health in your pet.

Our Poll 2 will be opening now! It will have 2 weeks as usual until it closes and information on the winning vote is posted. Remember to vote and share what you think should be in place in the dog world!

Our Poll 2 is on the subject of doggy diets. The question posed is 'What diet do you think will promote the most health in your pet?' 

Let's get voting! Thanks.


Earl and I.

1 comment:

  1. I have voted for mixed food, I think this because this is the way my dogs have always been fed and we haven't had any health problems - this includes my Akitas :-)

    I may set up this poll business? Seems like fun!

    Jessica, Charlie Boy, Roman and Brooke xxxx
