Monday 22 September 2014

Monday Mischief - Cousinly Kisses

You wouldn't believe it, but here I have proof in photo of the two monkey dogs french kissing!! Hehe. No, seriously, they were play-mouthing each other. But its still lovely to see them both so happy and relaxed getting covered in fresh grass scent. If I wasn't so kindly then there'd be something to hang over poor Earl for the rest of his life - Kissing the puppy who he found most annoying in the start!! Best of play friends - but we still haven't reached the cuddly stage. No sleeping in the same bed, all curled up cosily together as of yet - but the playing is a step closer to a lifelong dog-to-dog friendship for the two of them!

Having to funny dogs is even more humouring than having one funny dog! Especially when you have an absolutely mental puppy as one of them!! Entertainment for us humans, and someone for Earl to play-fight with! I can't stress how much time they spend playing, mainly play fighting!!

Do YOU have two or more dogs who play like this?

We're happy to be participating in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop very kindly hosted by Snoopy's Dogblog, Alfie's Blog, and My Brown Newfies - thanks again, guys!


  1. So much cuteness! Mauja and Atka play like this as well :)

  2. More like Bitey faces
    Lily & Edward

  3. Ethel almost looks as big as earl in the photo x

  4. My two play, but unfortunately they take it a bit too far sometimes!

  5. My sister Katie and I used to do that all the time. Bailie and I play lots of chase and wrestle, but no snuggling.

  6. I play wiv my best friend Kali - we fight and wrestle and grrr at each other all day long. Hooman is always amazed that there are teefs everywhere, yet noone gets hurt!

  7. Aww!!!! You two are just adorable!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. Nothing like a good game of bitey face. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Oh, now that looks like a good, rompin' and rollin' time!

  10. My dogs only seem to play like this in front of me. (Really, we have a petcam to watch them when we're not around.) Usually in the morning when I'm putting my shoes on, getting ready to leave them for the day. Bitey face is the best game!

  11. What a cute picture of the two of you! We get loveydovey once in awhile - usually when mom and dad are eating their breakfast.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly
