Tuesday 16 September 2014

Tasty Tuesday - Blackberries and Dogs

Hi again everyone! Today, we're posting unusually, because we haven't been posting as much throughout the week for the last few weeks. And I think you know why. Anyway, to our joy, our little Ethel is coming on in unbelievable leaps and bounds, now going to the door/gate and waiting to be let out for the majority of her toilets, and training is really coming on. She is also now able to play, chew toys, and mooch about when not busy with me on her own in the kitchen, while I sit in the lounge which is so close that I am practically sat IN the kitchen too, on the computer (the kitchen to lounge has a large archway no door). I'm very proud and pleased to let you know that after Ethel's tea is rest time, and she can now mooch around herself free of wee and mischief, meaning even more time for the blog again! Of course however, there still will be days where she just isn't wanting to rest whatsoever, or we are having a particularly tough time training etc, which can happen at any time. But we'll make the most of the days we can post. Sometimes  they both even sit on my knee whilst I type!

Anyway, onto today's Tuesday post.

Did you know fruits like Blackberries are good for dogs?

And guess what?

Earl has passed his love of this healthy fruit onto his little cousin housemate too!

Well, its a love best shared.

Fruits have hardly any calories, and are tastily appealing to our canine friends!

Earl loves them…

And Ethel loves them all the same, going crazy for them!

Earl has a blackberry nose!

They're both on a scavenger hunt for any loose, juicy, home-grown berries…

You can never eat too many, according to the dogs!

And they are good for them too - just like for us, blackberries are healthy to dogs, and to humans. Its a win-win situation - so the next time you pick some of these dark coloured bumpy spheres of heaven, pick one or two for your dog too.

We're feeling hungry to be participating in the Tasty Tuesday Blog Hop hosted by Sugar The Golden Retriever and Kol's Notes - thanks again, guys!


  1. We are all fruit lovers at our house.

  2. Hi Y'all!

    I love them! Do yours grow wild? Ours do. However, my favorite fruit is watermelon!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. They grow pretty wild! Watermelon is also delicious.

  3. Yummy and this so the best time of year for us being berry season. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. oooh I've never had Blackberries before! If they are even half as good as you make them look I think I'm really missing out here!

  5. We love your blackberry nose! We need to have mom get us some blackberries to taste!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  6. I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve blackberries!
    ]ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  7. So much cuteness! I've never given the pups blackberries. I'll have to see what they think!

  8. Blackberries is a favorite in our house :-) ENJOY! Happy Tasty Tuesday. Golden Woofs

    1. Cool! We will, thanks, you too SGR! You too.

  9. Luv den too Earl my pal...labby tort me to snaffle dem rite off da bushes....
