Friday 26 September 2014

Paws Up! Its Friday! - FitDog Friday + Pet Parade - Rompin' Around Quiz

Hey there all - its Friday once again, thank doG, and that means we its time for EW's Fri-daily occurrence to celebrate the end of a hard working week, and the start of a frolicking fun weekend - can't anyone wait for a whole weekend with your delightful doggies? Its Paws Up! Its Friday!

Today, we have a bit of a guessing game, e.g. fun quiz  for you all to partake in…

So, in the following photo, you need to guess what you think happened after the camera was clicked upon…..

Was it:

a) Ethel reared up at her playmate, before going back onto all four-paws avoiding physical contact with Earl

b) Ethel dive bombed Earl, followed by Earl turning to dive back and start a wrestling session all over again


c) Ethel attempted to jump on Earl from behind, however found Earl was too quick and instead fell to the ground, Earl scampering away

What did the pair do next??? Can you guess???

Its a tricky one - personally, knowing exactly what followed, any one of those 3 possible answers makes sense, and you can see all of them happening!! But there is to be only 1 answer…

I shall be slightly mean, and wait until the very end of the post to reveal the answer - if I was you, I'd make a note of your answer (a, b, or c) BEFORE scrolling down the page to the end of the post…

ANYWAY! There is another part of this post in between our choices and our answers to the quiz I made. The above quiz was our Pet Parade Hop part, and now for our FitDog Friday Hop part, as I thought that this post fitted both hops for this day!

So, as you can see by the photo, the two had a blast running around and playing together, being active and exercising to the full over fresh, green grass, full of scent to roll about it.

It is important dogs get their regular bouts of running around and being mental, just like dogs do - for their mental fitness and their physical fitness. If you give your dogs a good run around, they are more likely to come back home and inside to relax for the evening with dinner.

My two, like all dogs, adore their exercise and running! Their ideal day is walking to a field to run, and walking back. A lovely experience all round, with a warm up, spurt, and cool down.

And now of course - QUIZ ANSWER!!

The answer is…




b) Ethel dive bombed Earl, followed by Earl turning to dive back and start a wrestling session all over again

Well done if that was YOUR guess!!

It was hilarious to watch - the two humouring me, and each other!

We're happy to be participating in the FitDog Friday Blog Hop very kindly hosted by SlimDoggy, To Dog With Love, and My GBGV Life - thanks so much again, guys!!

We're also happy to be participating in the Pet Parade Blog Hop, kindly hosted by Rascal and Rocco, Barking From the Bayou, Jan's Funny Farm, Basil the Bionic Cat, and Love is Being Owned by a Husky! - thanks again, crew!!!!

The first linky list is for FitDog Friday, and the second for the Pet Parade.


  1. LOL I would have guessed C. Sounds like they are having fun together.

  2. TGIF! These two are adorable together.

  3. They are so cute!! (I picked B) :D

  4. They look so cute together. Bailie and I play chase and wrestle almost every night, then we come in, brush our teeth and it is off to slumberland! Happy Friday!

  5. We guessed B so glad we got that one right. Good quiz you should do more of these. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. I'll be honest and say I guessed C, so I lose...

  7. I am so glad Ethel has been doing so well with you guys!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. Woo-hoo, I guessed right! Earl and Ethel play the same way as Brychwyn and Wilhelm. I knew they would. :)
