Friday 12 September 2014

Paws Up! Its Friday! - Pet Parade - Flying to the Weekend

Hi all, sorry for the infrequent posting recently - we're busy!

So its a quick post today for our EW Friday-ly Paws Up!

Paws Up! Its Friday! Is an Earl's World! special occurrence on our blog to celebrate the joys of Friday every week.

The pups, today, are flying swiftly over to the weekend this Friday! They just can't wait for this weekend, and neither can I! We're attending our dog club's fun show on Sunday!!

Anyway, we saw this hot-air balloon fly over our house the other day - so we captured a great photo of this ladybird balloon, and of course, added the dogs along the way! Earl was barking at the 'puff' noise it kept making!

Cute little faces for sure, too!

We're also pleased to be participating in the Pet Parade blog hop hosted very kindly by our host and all their co-hosts, Rascal and Rocco, Jan's Funny Farm, Barking From the Bayou, Basil the Bionic Cat and Love is Being Owned By a Husky! - Thanks again, guys!