Saturday 19 July 2014

1 Year Agility Competing Anniversary - Empingham

Today is a very special, much-loved, fun, and celebratory day for Earl, I and all of our agility fans and witnesses - why? Because today is our Agility Competing Anniversary! This time last year we were at the same run show, of Empingham, competing at Grade 1. And one year on, we've won all sorts, and are now in Grade 4! We've flew (almost literally!) up those rankings! 

Anyway, today, Earl did really well, considering the heat again.

We got a 3rd in Small Agility Combined 1-3, but the printer went wrong and printed jumping on the rosette instead, but hey ho, we still got the place… We're going to fix that by sticking something over it soon! This was a Clear Round, no faults, in the course time. We then got another 3rd, but rosettes to 2nd! This was also clear. Then our third and final class of the day, we got a lovely agility run with no mistakes, but were 1 second out of the course time!! Still lovely flowing run from a very hot Earl though. We also won a beautiful handmade lead, as they were giving one out to the first person to collect their rosette in the classes, hehe! That was me of course! This was when we collected out 3rd for our first run of the day. We now have enough for our Bronze Agility Warrant, as we got 19 points and only needed 8 for the warrant! Yay! I also bought Earl a furry tug toy on a rope to wind him up before a run and hallelujah - he actually tugged enthusiastically with it before the run!! That's a first! A great day - hot again though.

The venue was also lovely for quick walks. Earl and I loved exploring and got plenty of photos whilst we waited for results at the end of the last run.

I absolutely adore that photo to bits! Earl being a true outdoorsy Border! I loved how this venue filled with cars, camper vans and tents led off down one small opening into a big, countryside walkway. 

And some action caught whilst walking near the main grounds.

New lead rocks!

On the concrete hill

Lets go for a stroll!

Exploring under the tree in the woods

Must mark my territory at this place you know, says Earl...

Rocks make great posing places

New and exciting tuggy alright!


Earl is one of the smaller dogs of competing life...

Earl finds a cool spot of shade

The undergrowth is filled with many exciting smells.

We have had a great day competing and exploring the new grounds - this was an entire new place for us to travel to! We got there quickly too.

Earl also had another meet up with his fellow BT pal, female Pickles! They're fantastic agility friends alright!

All this walking has built up a photo-editing appetite for me, so…


Happy competing in agility anniversary to us!

And wish us luck for the same show, second day, tomorrow!!


  1. That is so awesome! Congratulations and well done, Earl!

  2. Love the photos with Pickles and her boyfriend must get more !!! X

  3. Woohooo!!! Thats pawsome Earl! Congrats|! Love your photos too!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  4. Your new braided lead is beautiful! Congratulations to you, Earl!

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  5. Appee aniversaree Earl my chum….yoo is doin grate werk….
