Thursday 31 July 2014

Thoughtless Thursday - A Day from the Viewpoint of our Canine Chums

Today, we'll be following Earl as we see what he sees and does on an average day at home. Of course he doesn't have many average days at home, with what we do and all. But anyway. This post is a real good'en for being real thoughtless, and just having a bit of fun with ya'll.

So, it all starts with *yawns*, and Earl gets up and out of his comfy, cosy bed. He looks back at it with a sigh…

I could really do with more snooze for my busy life...

Now for the great bit!!

Breakfast time for one lucky dog!

Now, before I get out myself, what's going on in my world today?

You know I really need a pee. Time for my pee post to become handy again!

Is this grass OK for my poopin' business?

Drink time! Gulp.

Now lets - FLAKE OUT!!

Oop! And up again! Walkies time. 

Pee-mail on a bush not a lamppost? That's new!

And back again - but mum? You wanna play NOW? I'm tired!

That's a lot better. Tea time. More food! How I Woof it.

Now for some treats and snuggles from mum!

And now its bed time again, ready to start the next day!

So there you have it - one day that Earl rarely has! So a bit of a chill-out day for Earl to think thoughtlessly - or not thinking at all.

We're happy to be participating in another addition of Thoughtless Thursday, hosted by Ruckus The Eskie and Love is Being Owned by a Husky! - thanks again, guys!

P.S. The Pinch Punch Post Blog Hop starts again tomorrow! You all know the rules! If not, visit our official PPP page HERE to find out more about linking up! You have a whole 10 days to link up - plenty of time, ha!? Can't wait to see you there! Please find a day to link up, no matter what scale! Thanks! Have fun! :3


  1. Looks like a pretty good day to me. We are fans of the extra walks and more naps at our house!

  2. That's so creative. Love the viewpoint!

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  3. Your day looks a bit familiar
    Lily & Edward

  4. Oh that's pretty awesome perspective there earl. Good creative idea :)

    Thanks for sharing on Thoughtless Thursday with us! I hope to remember to link up to your hop. If not, please remind me! :)

    1. Thanks! No problem! I'll remind you!! ;-)

  5. Love this post! It was great to see a day in the life of Earl!!! hahaha! Thanks for linking up with us!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. I am glad you liked it! And anytime, no probs.

  6. What a day, Earl! You better rest up so you can do it all over again tomorrow!
    Your pal,

  7. It's good to see things from your dog's point of view every now & then. Looks like Earl had a very pleasant day.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy, Isis, & Phoebe

  8. OMD that is far too stressful Earl. The things you have to do. Hmmmm maybe that is why some nap time is needed in your busy schedule Lol. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. I was hoping for agility somewhere in there. You are a busy fellow.

    1. Not on a complete do-close-to-nothing day!

  10. I love it! It was fun seeing the day from Earl's perspective. I love the "get flaky" part...LOL....our beagle Cricket has to do that roll in the grass every day when I get home from work!
    Lots of wags and woofs from the crew at Wag n Woof Pets

  11. What a fun and relaxing day Earl!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. Looks like a pretty good relaxin day.

  13. Aww, this is such a cute blog post! I loved seeing everything from Earl's point of view!

  14. Oh Earl, you are so cute! I think I love you,

    Livvie the rat terrier from
