Saturday 26 July 2014

Sepia Saturday - Presentation is key in a signature position

Earl has a way with making himself look totally adorable. The positions, those appealing faces that would and do make any normal human being fall head-over-heels and face plant the mud for.

If this is even possible… Earl even knows how to 'cover himself up', if you know what I mean!!! A genius!!! BOLBOLBOL!!

This position is Earl's signature position alright. both hind legs stuck out to the side and open, and bended paw lifted. The other front paw way over the other side of the body. Eyes closed for the flash, pressed right to, ears sometimes wobby, sometimes perfectly standing… and mouth just normal. That's Earl's signature position!

Does your dog have a signature position? If so, what is it? Comment below!

The Sepia Saturday Blog Hop is hosted by Ruckus The Eskie - thanks again, for a beautiful hop, pal!

P.S. We have BIG NEWS for you! Tomorrow, we're going to see a litter of gorgeous 7 week old Border Terrier puppies - that's right - for our 2nd dog!! We hope beyond high hopes that this little bitch pup that we have our eye on is the perfect puppy and can come and join our family not this Tuesday, but the following… we're so excited! We also found out that this bitch is related to Earl in some complicated ways… so this makes it even more exciting! Paws crossed for us! So expect a later post of photos if we decide its 'yes'!!


  1. WOW! a Border Terrier pup, that must be exciting! I'm staying tuned for a bombardment of puppy pics.

  2. Am so jealous in a good way. There is no doubt that when you see her she will be yours x

  3. I love Border Terriers, how exciting that Earl may have a little sister! Fingers crossed she will be 'the one' for him and you :) Beryl and Asher's signature positions would be lying on their sides, sound asleep! Frankie's would be something similar to Earl's :) Very cute!

    1. They are a truly ACE breed!!! I really hope so!! That's very cute of Beryl and Asher - Frankie and Earl sound similar then - Earl sits that way all the time :-) Glad you think so.

  4. I love the modest covering up pose. Good luck tomorrow with the pup, hope she ends up being the right one for you. I can't wait to see photos.

  5. I was seeing double with Earl's pillow behind the real thing! Of course, with his eyes closed I couldn't see him! Haha! I hope the new puppy works out wonderfully. I want puppy pictures to ooohhh and aaahhh over!

  6. adorable photos and sooo excited that you might be getting another puppy!!! Great news!

  7. So darn cute Earl and we wish good luck with the new pup.
    Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. You know how to pose, BOL
    Lily & Edward

  9. Luv da pictures!

    And a puppy!! How exciting!

  10. In that first photo it looks like you are doggy meditating!

  11. I'm so excited about the new member of your family

    1. So are we of course!! Glad you are tooooo!

  12. WOW!!!~ A new puppy!!! Congrats and can't wait to see!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. Wow that's pretty impressive. Love the pillow btw! Also...thanks for sharing the new puppy news on Sepia Saturday. We are ecstatic for you and Earl!
