Tuesday 1 July 2014

Pinch Punch Post - July 2014

Woofin' hey all! Its that time again!! Our favourite time! Its Earl's Pinch Punch Post Blog Hop time!! And time to share what you and your pet(s) have been up to last month (here, June) and plans for the coming (July). 

I happily host this hop with my lovely co-host, Jessica from My Dog Diaries!

Grab our badge, share it, link up, and post your own Pinch Punch Post! However big or small it may be!

Let us get started!

What have we been up to in June?

We went to Agility Nuts Day 1 and won big!

We went to AN Day 2 and won even bigger!

Earl won a nommy treat in the post!

Earl stopped the camera rolling!

Earl brought to life the Dog World Cup in his own garden!

We shared some photography and canine body language tips!

Earl played silly in the bushes!

We went to All About Dogs, shopped 'till we dropped and won many prizes!

Its sure been another fun-filled, busy and exciting month in Earl's household and beyond in June!

So what are we planning on doing in July?

~ Competing at a Kennel Club Agility Nuts
~ Competing at a 2-day KC Empingham Agility Show
~ Celebrating my birthday (as Earl's owner)!
~ Breaking up for the summer and spending all holiday with Earl!

Its going to be great!

We have also decided to add a little feature into the PPP post! Its to list and say whether or not you have managed to do what you planned to do last month!

So we'll demonstrate ourselves as the enthusiastic host…:
What we planned to do in June and if we managed to do them:

~ Practice and perform a HTM routine complete with music at a HTM show 
Complete? No x
~ Compete at Agility Nuts
Complete? Yes /
~ Go to All About Dogs Show
Complete? Yes /
~ Work on Earl's scaredy attitude towards our trainer
Complete? Yes /

We are heavily looking forward to another busy month of July!

You have 10-11 whole days to link up to the PPP yourself as a site - fit us in if you can - your post can simply be a photo of what you did in the past month, or even a simple sentence if you're really struggling! Pick a part, or go by all the features, its really up to you - all sites on the internet can join, even if you're on Facebook or another social media user, or even a forum user on your forum! Make a PP Post wherever you are on the net! Just insert the link to your page or PP Post and state your name/blog name too, with a few other minor details. Its simple! Enjoy!

Post these links at the bottom of your create post HTML script:

If your a Blogger Blog…

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If you're a self-hosted Wordpress blog (NOT Wordpress.com)…

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If you're a wordpress.com blog…

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 <a rel='nofollow' href="http://new.inlinkz.com/luwpview.php?id=420971"><img style="border:0px"  src="http://www.inlinkz.com/wpImg.php?id=420971"></a>

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  1. What a busy month!! Do you share your birthday with Pickles on 25 July( she will be 2)?
    I can't wait to break up and spend more time with my furry friend x

    1. Sure is! No, my birthday is on the 3rd, and that is me as the human! Earl's is on the 12th February!

  2. Love all your agility ribbons, but my favorite pic is you with the soccer ball!

    1. Thanks! Yep! We love that one too Emma!!!

  3. Busy busy busy!!!! You guys always do tons of great stuff! Way to go!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. Yep!!! As always, BOL! And we like that. Thanks!
