Monday 24 February 2014

Outings are a Ticket to Mischief

Obviously they are! For dogs, anyway, and possibly also little playful children. So a trip to my grandparents house the other day was nothing different! We turned the living room into an obstacle course, and I used big masses of cheese to perform some cutie-pie tricks! I also took 2 of Earl's toys to leave there for future visits (yes, this was to avoid more mischief!).

The toys.

No, mum. I DON'T wanna go in my car crate now.

'Fist' - new command!

Shake it!


Chicken flavour?

Sulking Earl? You've eaten all the cheese!

Dance and spin!

Balance act.

Cutie-pie face hide!

Big ears!

Awww. Adorable. Just further than the 'dead' command, just less than the 'roll'!

The tunnel/weaves we improvised!

Using cushions as jumps!

Getting an extra stroke from Granddad!

So a lot of fun was had, and also mischief!!

Taking toys to regularly-visited relative's houses is a great idea. It gives your dog something to do while your there and they can also enjoy themselves! It will give your dog somethings to take his/her mind off playing it mischievous! Although mischief can sometimes be cute - DOG OWNERS - BEWARE - You've got to have boundaries, but boundaries like this can be fun! Toys! What's bad about that!

Earl and I.


  1. I LOVE the "fist" bump command. That is totally adorable! I agree, it's great to have some toys to play with when traveling!
    Happy Monday,

  2. Grandparents houses are supposed to be fun with treats, toys, and major spoiling! At least that's how we explain how rotten Pierre has become since he is staying with us! BOL!

  3. We're going to a relative's house next month where Mr. N will be majorly spoiled. And I'm sure there will be lots of toys involved.

  4. I love taking my dogs to my parents house! It's always fun to show off what they can do etc...
    Love the fist pump!
    And great job improvising with the chairs for the tunnel weave! Well done!!
    ((husky hugz))
