Sunday 2 February 2014

What we learnt from Train Your Dog Month meets 2 Weekly Dog Polls

We have LOVED reading all the blogs taking part in January's Train Your Dog Month! So we're going to share some things we have learnt from it and how it is beneficial and can be to you if you go back and surf the participated blogs! We are also going to share something we have focussed on doing for TYDM.

At the end of this post, we will be doing our 2 Weekly Dog Poll Update!

We have been focussing on balance and getting it just spot on. So we have been using some garden obstacles to practice this safely. Earl can really position those paws to keep a grip now, which is great to know, just in case he ever had to balance in a dangerous situation.

I managed to get him to stay balanced for longer periods at a time, until he would not even wobble! He has built such a positive understanding of balancing and self-control over the past month. 

I have also been teaching him some even more tempting self-control. Balancing food on his nose, head, or even his nose resting on the food but me telling him to 'leave'! Its pretty impressive, considering his love for food couldn't go any further.

Not forgetting our training tutorials, which will be up and running in no time - I am having trouble uploading videos to Blogger at present, but you can visit our Tutorials page to find out more information and to watch our introduction video!

Here are some photos of Earl and I training at a Young Handlers Course. It was a very inspirational day!

Here the photos show some lovely examples of the 'watch me' command which we have a rather gross way of teaching… say 'watch me' clearly, and hold a piece of dog food (or something else food that your dog likes) between your front teeth and point to it and wiggle it so your dog can see it. Then when your dog is looking straight in your eyes, open your mouth and drop it out for your dog to catch and eat! Instant reward!

Down and Watch Me

Sit and Watch Me

And we have also (as always) been concentrating of our agility. I am trying to make Earl even faster than he already is - and it is working really well! 




Of course Train Your Dog Month was all about training your dog - however it was not just about training impressive tricks - it was about building an even stronger bond with your beloved dog. And the stronger bond you have with your dog, the more he is going to respond to you when you wish for him to do so, and the more you are likely to have a happy, fulfilling, exciting, and stress-free relationship throughout his/her lovely little life.

Why was Train Your Dog Month started?

A group of like minded dog enthusiasts, wanting the people of today to really do something about how well dogs are trained, got together to develop a blog hop for people to share their training antics, successes, lessons learnt, frustrating failures and ways they got over it and did it again to succeed, ways they set themselves up for success before they began, and then finally, at the end of the month, how the series has really impacted the relationship and training between them and their dog(s). These people deserve a computerised round of applause, as they are the consistent and very much dedicated dog bloggers of the month!

These people are:

Something Wagging
Rescued Insanity
Alfie's Blog

Thank you for a fun and informative month, guys!

Now, we also have our 2 Weekly Dog Polls to get through, as always!

Our Poll 14 was on the subject of Dog magazines/newspapers.

The question posed was: 'What dog publications do you read?'

You voted, and these are the results! 

Your Dog Mag - 4 (100%)
Dogs Monthly Mag - 1 (25%)
Dogs Today Mag - 1 (25%)
YKC Fetch Mag - 3 (75%)
Crufts Mag - 1 (25%)
Dog World News - 0 (0%)
Pets at Home VIP Mag - 2 (50%)
Other - 0 (0%)

The winner is: 

Your Dog Mag - 4 (100%) !!!
Well done to this Magazine. I have to say I LOVE YD too!

Colour code:

Red - Winner
Blue - 2nd
Green - 3rd
Pink - 4th
Black - No votes

So, lets get on with our fun facts!

About dog publications

Dog publications are a great source of doggie information. For dog lovers, they are the ULTIMATE read - nothing but doggie things inside! What dog owner could ask for more?? Some pet shops have them stocked at the counter which you can pick up, however mostly they are stocked at the newsagents or the supermarket. I, personally, have gained much dog knowledge by reading these magazines for a few years. I have subscriptions to a few, which means that they come through my door automatically every month - usually BEFORE it comes out in the shops! With a subscription, you can read your publication before anyone else!

Any details?

A lot of dog publications (especially magazines) involved their readers with their issues. They sometimes include quizzes, the ability for readers to write in and win doggie prizes, to get their dog's photo in the gallery, to advertise a business or a rescue centre to do with dogs, write in about a problem in the dog world and how that reader thinks society should solve the problem, etc. They also usually have social media - a blog, Facebook, twitter, etc. They have giveaways and competitions online as well.

What should you do?

I would highly recommend getting yourself a copy or two of some dog publications, whether that is regularly or a one-off read for you. You may even get into them so much that you decide to buy a subscription. You can also buy gift subscriptions for a dog-loving friend or family member which costs less.

Our Poll 15 will be opening NOW!! It will have 2 weeks as usual before it closes and info is given. Vote quick - before the time runs out!

Our Poll 15 is on the subject of dog food brands.

The question posed is: 'What is the highest quality dog food brand in your opinion?'

Share what you think should be in place in the dog world!

Lets get voting! Thanks.


Earl and I.

ALSO, PLEASE JOIN IN WITH THE FEBRUARY PINCH PUNCH POST! Click those words to get there are link up for free and for a whole bunch of fun, if you haven't already! Thanks so much.

Below is the linky list for Train Your Dog Month.


  1. You and Earl make such an impressive team. I loved seeing him balancing treats on his head.

    You certainly made the most of the challenge. I can't wait to see where you go from here.

    Thanks so much for joining the challenge!

  2. Wow so great to see your agility training!
    Hope you had a great weekend!!
    ((Husky hugz frum da pack))

  3. Wowzers, you and Earl have been super busy! I am impressed with all you have accomplished in such a short time. Earl is quite the clever little guy and I can't believe how many treats you were able to balance on his head! That takes patience.

    Thanks so much for participating! And good luck in your future agility adventures!

  4. Wow your January challenge was very similar to mine and Alfie's! We also worked on balance and lots of agility. Great to see your agility set up in the garden too :-)

    Linda - Alfie's Blog
