Saturday 1 February 2014

Pinch Punch Post - February 2014

Its that time again, where we say a farewell to the old month, and welcome in happily the new month! Its the Pinch Punch Post, hosted by (us at) Earl's World!, (and Jessica from) My Dog Diaries and My Cat Diaries.

And I do apologise, but I have made yet another size change to our hop badges. Please use these from now on, unless we have any new hosts joining!

You can use either just one or both.

So what have Earl and I been up to in the past month you wonder? That's easy!

We have won big at Agility Nuts Comp...
We have won some mommy dog treats...
We have brought in a new treat recipe...
We have had fun with toys and edited photos...
We have done some decision-making...
We have listened to some tunes...

And only in ONE night (last night, the last day of the week!), I taught Earl TWO NEW tricks! And hey, guess what that is? Pinch and Punch!!

Cool and amazing, isn't it? Pawsome!

So what do we plan on doing during the coming month of Feb 14?? Well, we have prepared y'all a list to find out…

~ Attend Feb Winter Agility Nuts Comp
~ Attend Feb Dog Vegas (Agility Comp)
~ Make Earl a homemade birthday cake and celebrate his 4th birthday on the 12th!
~ Celebrate Valentines (I have Earl a present…!!)
~ Do more running with Earl
~ Keep this blog going with interesting text and photos
~ Make Earl some homemade Valentines dog cookies

~ … And most likely a lot more that we cannot think of yet!!! (These things are guaranteed to appear on our blog at some point, hehe!)

Also, I put up a poll last PPP at the top of the sidebar on the blog page, asking you if you said 'Pinch Punch, first of the month' and gently pinch punched people around you on the 1sts! Your votes were:

Yes - 3 (75%)
Sometimes - 1 (25%)
No - 1 (0%)

Colour code:

1st - Red
2nd - Blue
Last - Black

Thank you to all who voted - hope you had fun!

So that wraps up our PPP for another month folks - grab the badge, your blog-approprate list code, and link up to our link list below!! Thanks, and have a bunch of fun!

If you have a blog hosted by Blogger or others (including SELF-HOSTED Wordpress) which is not a blog, insert the following code into your HTML post:

<!-- start InLinkz script -->

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + new Date().getTime() + '"><\/script>');

<!-- end InLinkz script -->

If you have a blog or any other which does not work using the above, use this script instead:

<!-- start InLinkz script -->

 <a href=""><img style="border:0px"  src=""></a>

<!-- end InLinkz script -->


Earl and I.


  1. Hi Guys! Happy PPP!
    I'm all linked up!
    You had such a great month! Good for you! And Earl I love your new tricks! Haha!
    Good luck throughout your month of February and can't wait to see these things on your posts!
    ((Husky hugz frum da pack))

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for linking up and joining in with our PPP Jenna! You have received a comment in appreciation on your blog and we have shared and recommended your blog on Google+! Hope you don't mind!
