Monday, 14 April 2014

L is for Love - A-Z & Poll 19 Update to Poll 20

We're back, and its L day in the A-Z Blogging Challenge! You know how important it is to spread a little love? Well this post will highlight the love dogs can bring, and the cuddles and joys that come with this! Dogs have hearts of gold. Lets make today one of forever to give love.

We've done quite a bit of talking lately, so lets make this post short and PAWfect for the photo savvy. We're also making this bit short, because after the photos, there are quite some words…

All the photos above show the love and compassion Earl and I are showing toward one another <3

We also have the Poll 19 Update to share with you.

This is more of an experience topic, so lets make it a short (one-off!) update for a change.

The Question posed was: 'What lead do you use?'

We got our answers flooding in:

Clip - 5 (71%)
Slip - 1 (14%)
Check - 0 (0%) … Phew!
Extendable - 3 (42%)
Multi-dog - 0 (0%)
Double ended - 2 (28%)
Nose hoop - 0 (0%)
Other? - 1 (14%)

So here is some short pieces of information:

*Remember, this is only my opinion! For serious problems, consult your vet or a behaviourist.

About leads

Leads are a very important part in a dogs life, especially their young life. Puppies need training a recall straight away, and without leads and no recall, we'd be bent down, struggling with 4 fingers down our dogs collars! 

How should they be used?

You must choose a lead suitable for you and your dog personally. Maybe your trainer uses a certain type of lead for the method used? Even if this is the case, you should never use one in which you are not comfortable with. You and your dog must both enjoy walking on the lead and training on one too. 

Teaching walk to heel

Lead pulling can hurt the dogs neck. Keeping your dog focussed on you will keep him at your side, so use something that motivates your dog such as treats so he stays by you in anticipation of the reward.

What should you do?

Trial and error, unfortunately, may come as an issue here. When you choose your dog's first lead, you have to try it out and see if you like it. There are many different pros ad cons, benefits and letdowns to different types of dog lead, so its a case of individuality.


~ Lead
~ Heel
~ Recall
~ Trainer
Leads play an important role in the safety and training of dogs.

Poll 20 (wow, we've been polling 20 times, for 10 weeks now?!) will be opening NOW!! You will have 2 weeks to vote before votes are gathered and places are awarded, plus relevant information is given by me.

Poll 20 is on the subject of dog obsessions.

The question posed is: 'What is your dog obsessed with, if anything?'

Examples are food, toys, the sun, grass, etc.

You can choose multiple answers.

Does your dog have an obsession of any kind?

The 2 Weekly Dog Polls are an Earl's World! special, seen nowhere else!!


  1. I loved to see the LOVE between you guys!! So sweet :)

  2. Dogs are so loving and loyal, I just love that about them.

    As for your polling? I would have to say Delilah is OBSESSED with FOOD without a doubt. Sampson isn't so much obsessed but he sure does love his rubbies.

  3. Earl's world has to have LOVE in it - it just has to!

  4. Love the photos!

    Obsession? For Mort, hands down frisbee and the arm throwing it. Great lip chattering obsession. Preferred location, being thrown into a body of water, despite a lack of strong swimming skills. Next, any other toy which can be anything from a ball to a random found object, preferably thrown. Then food.

    1. Thanks!

      Well, you can tick a lot of boxes in the poll then!!

  5. Great post and great tips Earl!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  6. You're so cute Earl. I love your photos.
