Wednesday 1 April 2015

A is for Agility

The ever-growing, popular dog sport of Agility is fast and furious, which is excellent at keeping both dog and handler incredibly fit. You, as the handler, have to direct your dog around an obstacle course, with the least faults/penalties and the quickest time as possible. The dog with the least penalties and not eliminated in the quickest time wins! Oh, and mind out... it becomes addictive!

Earl and I adore our agility, and train and compete regularly in this fantastic and addictive sport! And although you will mainly see the Border Collie doing agility, many breeds of many different sorts can take part, have fun and do well in agility. From crossbreeds, to rescue dogs, and all types of other breeds, everyone is sure to love the sport. So never be afraid to have a go! Of course, before participating, you must ensure that both your dog and you are fit and able.

We're kicking off the first Blogging From A to Z Challenge day with the theme of AGILITY! We're super excited to continue this theme throughout the glorious month of April 2015. We are looking forward to reading YOUR A to Z posts, too!

We are joining our hosts BlogPaws for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below!


  1. Good luck on the alphabet and I must say you are off to a nice start with one of your favorite words!

  2. Look at him fly! And you can tell he's already focused in where to go next. Great photo!
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

    1. Yeah. He is a high flyer... in all ways! He is a super dog.

  3. Brilliant theme! Earl's flying, look at him go!
    Wags and Woofs from Imogen and Millie

  4. We love agility! Good work Early!

  5. This looks like a great sport. Thanks for sharing!

  6. look at you go, great picture!

  7. Thanks for sharing this! I don't really know anything at all about the world of dog shows, so I felt like I really learned something with your post!

  8. Look at Earl fly! We look forward to your A to Z posts throughout the month!

  9. That's a great photo, it looks so much fun!

    1. Thanks! Sure is... we adore our agility.

  10. You're off to a great start with the A-Z Challenge. This is an awesome action photo of Earl! It was nice checking out your blog today. :)

  11. Your blog is fun and made me smile!

    -Kathy (fellow A-Z challenge blogger)
