Wednesday 8 April 2015

G is for Groups

We all benefit from some help, support and friendly feedback from others. This is why making fellow dog agility friends, with the same interests as you in the sport, is a huge plus for all handlers. Not only can you support one another in walking courses, entering shows, and the other technical parts of agility participation, but you can also give each other tips, video each other's runs, and talk to each other, generally, about the sport and the love you share. Plus, any worries or concerns you have with your own dog. And if you are new, having a more experienced person claim your back for the foreseeable future could be the difference between missing and making a class! Having like-minded fellows can be a huge help in the general enjoyment of the sport as well. So all in all, dog agility is also a very social activity with many grand opportunities for new friends and acquaintances. You are likely to end up with a group of wonderful friends to talk to and share your interest with.

Don't stand alone; join a group.

There are also many online groups as well, which all revolve around the sport of dog agility, in every aspect. Whilst you are training, and there is no further opportunities to find new people to discuss with in real life, you can meet many more people over the internet than you most likely ever could in the real world; so get online, register up, and join in! Groups could be forums, Facebook pages, or any other website or social medias which have the topic of dog agility at heart. Let others help you out.

We are joining our hosts BlogPaws for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. Groups make things much easier. One reason tracking is so tough is it is kind of a solitary sport. You need a lot of drive to keep it up without a group around.

    1. They sure do. Oh, I see. I don't know much about tracking.

  2. Another great A to Z word. :-D Groups are always nice.

    1. Thank you very much Jessica! Groups make things feel less daunting.

  3. Perfect idea for the letter 'G'! There's a group out there for everyone and their dog. :)

    1. Thank you guys! There is; it just takes getting out there and finding your's.

  4. It is always more fun with a good training group!

  5. We belong to a Frenchie meetup group
    Lily & Edward

    1. PAWsome! I bet you all have such a fun time.

  6. I have been running the South Suburban Chihuahua group since 2008. It is not always easy - but ensuring engaging topics and good solid rules as well as fun activities keeps everyone involved. Good way for people who have trouble making friends to connect with others as well.

    1. Very cool, well done. Sounds as though you do a brilliant job at running your group. Keep up the good work!

  7. My dog Joey is doing nosework. You're right it's wonderful to be with people and not have to apologize for being a crazy dog person. Happy A-to-Z blogging!

    1. Cool. It sure is a saviour. You as well.

  8. Dog friends are so impawtant.
    Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. They sure are. Without them...? I don't even know Molly. Have a good day as well.

  9. Having the support of others and learning from their experiences has to be a good thing.

  10. Love your socks ;)
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
