Sunday 12 April 2015

The Liebster Award

Recently, we were lucky enough to receive an award from one of our very good blogging pals... and today, we are here to share it, and follow the rules that go alongside! We're using our day off from the Blogging From A to Z Challenge as an award day. Let us begin!

So. The Liebster Award was recently passed onto us by the awesome Sibe Tribe that is, Love is Being Owned by a Husky! Whooooppieee! We love awards.

Thanks so much to the huskies and their mom; we feel honoured to have received this award. And if you haven't visited the Sibes over at their blog yet, we urge you to do so HERE, NOW! They are truly PAWsome. Oh, and tell them we sent you!

So, as with any award accepted within the blogging community, there are some rules we have to go by when we receive them. So, we are going to answer the three questions in which the huskies and their mom answered when they passed this award onto us.

1. What is your ultimate vision for your blog, and has it changed since you started?

The vision for my blog has changed since I first began. When I first began this blog, it was even MORE for fun than it is now. I posted random photos on a regular basis, and instead of joining challenges, and getting involved in the blogging community, I stuck to saying a few words about occurrences that had happened to us, all the time. No training posts... not even any blog hops. I now have many more page views, followers and fans who comment every day. The lovely comments and support I receive from my readers is an amazing feeling. And we are fast approaching our 2nd Blogiversary... come on over on the 13th April, and join us in celebration!

2. Do you have a favourite treat, if so, what?

Oh yes, we have our firm favourite treat in this household. Both dogs absolutely adore the Misfits Scruffy Bites. These are obviously delicious and appealing, and at the same time being healthy.

3. Are you a neat freak or slightly cluttered?

Hmmm. Well, I like to think myself as a neat freak. I do try to be neat at all times, and it winds me up if I am not at any time. So I guess I am a neat freak; which therefore means, when things get cluttered, I am straight on it!

So there we have our questions answered. However, the final rule is to pass this honourable award onto some more bloggers of my choice, who I think deserve this award. So here I go, and I have to say, passing on awards is never 100% easy; you're all so awesome! But here we go...

The following people can grab the award and do the same as I have done here on their blog award post...

Mitch and Molly
My Mutt Riley
Imogen and Millie
Marley and Lola's Border Terrier Life
The Misadventures Of Misaki

Congratulations to all of you above! It has been my honour to honour you all, awesome blogs and awesome people/pets behind them. Now, save the award, which you can find at the top, and write your own post just like mine! You can then answer the questions, and pass on the award once again.

And although I cannot nominate everyone, I really do love all of you and your blogs out there. Every day they make me laugh, smile, and appreciate being a part of the blogging community.

Earl blushes as we are honoured with this award.

We are joining our hosts Dachshund Nola and Sugar The Golden Retriever for the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. Congratulations on your award. It is nice to learn more about you and Iove the blushing black and white!

    1. Thank you. Glad, hehe, yes, he is honoured by the award, as you can see!

  2. Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it to us, Earl and Ethel! We have the award already thanks to Charlie. We need to check into these Misfit Scruffy Bite treats. They have to be the yummiest!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

    1. Thank you guys. No problem, you are much deserving. Now you have 2 BOL. You sure should check out the treats. My 2 give them the paws up.

  3. Congratulations and thank you so much!
    Wags and Woofs from Imogen and Millie

    1. Thank you. No problem guys. You are also much deserving.

  4. Congrats! We love learning things about our blogging furiends! Love that last pic, too cute!

    1. Thank you. We do as well. Thank you, hehe.

  5. Congratulation and what a FUN photo :-) Wishing you a PAWsome Sunday. Golden Woofs

  6. Are you playing peek a boo? Love Dolly

  7. Congrats on your award, well deserved. Love the black and white photo. Have a great day.

  8. Don't be shy Earl! You deserve the Liebster! Thanks for allowing us to feature you on BFTB NETWoof Sports tomorrow!

    1. Hehe. Thank you, you're so kind! No problem; we are looking forward to seeing the feature! :-)

  9. Congrats Earl,you deserve it,xx Speedy

  10. congrats on the fab award and thanks so much for nominating me xxx

    1. Thank you. No problem; you are much deserving Misaki.

  11. Congratulations on your award!

  12. Congratulations on your award! :D

  13. What a sweet pic. Congratulations on your award.
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  14. Congratulations on the award and the upcoming Blogiversary!

  15. Congratulations and well deserved. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  16. Wooowooooo!!!!! Great answers pal!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  17. Congrats on the award! I wonder if we have that treat here.

  18. Congrats on the award! I'm going to have to check your nominees. I've heard of a couple of them, but most are new to me. Great answers. :)

    1. Thank you. You sure should do. Thank you again hehe.
